Data Augmentation on 1D Signal image

Hello. I have images dataset of ECG Signal which has 6 classes but the classes are imbalanced. Now I wanna use data augmentation on my dataset to balance the classes. You know ECG Signal needs to be augmented to have a benefit so I do not see it benefiting by croping, rotating etc so Im doing scaling, translation. My goal is these two techniques. I have read about this in pytorch and came to know that transforms.affine has attributes that can perform scaling and translation.
Now my query is when I apply it like:
from torchvision import transforms as T, datasets
import os
import random

Define the data augmentation transformations

train_transform = T.Compose([
T.RandomApply([T.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(0.1, 0), scale=(0.9, 1.1))], p=0.5),
T.ToTensor(), # convert the dimension from (height,weight,channel) to (channel,height,weight) convention of PyTorch

Define the validation and test transformations

validate_transform = T.Compose([
T.RandomApply([T.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(0.1, 0), scale=(0.9, 1.1))], p=0.5),

test_transform = T.Compose([
T.RandomApply([T.RandomAffine(degrees=0, translate=(0.1, 0), scale=(0.9, 1.1))], p=0.5),

But my images looked like this :

by running the code: dataiter = iter(trainloader)
images,labels = next(dataiter)

out = make_grid(images,nrow=4)

show_grid(out,title = [class_name for x in labels])

Now my problem is how can I fix it? why it is happening ? besides as I said i need class balance but how will I ensure that classes got balanced. ? I have say 9000 images in train 1000 in validation and 4000 in test. i need to see my dataset getting large by balancing classes by introducing translation or scaling.
I tried this code chunk but as PIL needs rgb image I get error I have to work with grayscale Images through out for my application.
from PIL import Image

Define the number of images you want per class

num_images_per_class = 2200

going to be used for loading dataset

validate_path= ‘/content/val’

Loop through the train, val, and test folders

for folder_path in [train_path,validate_path,test_path]:
# Loop through each sub-folder (class) in the current folder
for class_folder in os.listdir(folder_path):
class_path = os.path.join(folder_path, class_folder)
# Count the number of images in the current class
num_images = len(os.listdir(class_path))
# Calculate the number of images to generate
num_images_to_generate = num_images_per_class - num_images
# Generate new images by applying the transform to existing images
for i in range(num_images_to_generate):
# Choose a random image from the class folder
image_path = os.path.join(class_path, random.choice(os.listdir(class_path)))
# Load the image
image =
# Apply the transform
transformed_image = train_transform(image)
# Save the transformed image with a new name
new_image_name = f"{class_folder}transformed{i}.png", new_image_name))

Plz help me solve this. I can’t fix it.

You didn’t explain the issue, so I don’t know what exactly is unexpected.

You could use a WeightedRandomSampler as explained e.g. here assuming you are working on a multi-class classification.

well the problem is my images seems to have black areas do you see tha? I think it zero pads by default. But i want to scale/translate but perserve the original image not to get black where it should be white like my original image.

This is the original image right But if you look at scaled/translated with probability =0.5 in grid images they happen to have black areas which is what I suspect maybe it is zero padding by default. I need not to have it.

Yes, I see the black areas which is expected when you translate the input.

Yes, that’s also the case as described in the docs.

I still don’t know what your expectations are and how you would like to translate an image without adding new border pixels.

Umm well. I want like if i have a signal I want to move it basically advance or delay and vary the amplitude-wise so that I can do data-augmentation on ecg signal images. Now wanna shift the pixels of an image.I dont care if say I move my signal right with some x value and when I move the x pixels moves out of image boundary and i lose info. That is what I want actually i dont know if I make sense now or not.

A naive idea came and I decided to crop width wise and once cropped resized the image to original dimensions. But how can I vary amplitude wise? Because in that case the spikes/peaks will be clipped.