Defining operator schema to take variable number of inputs and return variable number of outputs

Is there a mechanism to define a custom JIT operator which returns variable number of outputs? (Tuple
of any types)

I tried defining ns::customOp(...) -> (...), but this doesn’t seem to work.

When I save a model with a custom operator which returns 2 outputs Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] and load the saved model, I see error saying the number of outputs mismatch .

Return value was annotated as having type Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] but is actually of type Tuple[]:

My current operator registration is based off of some of the prim op registrations

RegisterOperators r({Operator(
         "ns::customOp(…) -> (…)",
         [](const Node* node) -> Operation {
           return [node](Stack& stack) {
             myLogic(stack, node);
             return 0;
         }, AliasAnalysisKind::FROM_SCHEMA)});

How do we define an operator which is dynamic and can take variable number of inputs and return variable number of outputs?

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