Different loss functions update different parts of network

I have two networks, for example, netA and netB. However, I want to use different loss functions to update different networks. For example, I want to use loss1 to update netA, and use loss2 to update netB.
I have defined different optimizers for netA and netB. Each optimizer optimizes only the parameters of the corresponding network.
The total pipeline is shown in the following diagram.

The optimized pipeline I came up with is shown below:

What I want to ask is, is the above process correct?

My concern is that, is it necessary to forward the data twice, the first time to optimize netA, the second time to optimize netB?

Hi Yongjie!

Your process it mostly correct. You need to use retain_graph = True
in your first backward() call:

loss1.backward (retain_graph = True)

No, one forward pass is enough. (You do, of course, have to calculate
both loss1 and loss2.) But you do need two backward() passes.

(If you weren’t to use retain_graph = True in your first backward()
pass, you would have to perform a second forward pass to rebuild the
computation graph for use by the second backward() pass.)

Here is an illustrative script:

import torch
print (torch.__version__)

weights1A = None   # net1 weights after net1 half-update
weights2A = None   # net2 weights after net2 half-update
weights1B = None   # net1 weights after full update
weights2B = None   # net2 weights after full update

for  updateMethod in range (3):   # update model with two "half-updates" vs. one full update
    torch.manual_seed (2021)   # make initialization reproducible

    net1 = torch.nn.Linear (2, 2)   # create new, freshly-initialized model
    net2 = torch.nn.Linear (2, 2)
    input = torch.randn (2)
    target1 = torch.randn (2)
    target2 = torch.randn (2)
    opt1 = torch.optim.SGD (net1.parameters(), lr = 0.1)
    opt2 = torch.optim.SGD (net1.parameters(), lr = 0.2)

    if  updateMethod == 0:   # net1 half-update
        output = net2 (torch.tanh (net1 (input)))
        loss1 = torch.nn.MSELoss() (output, target1)
        weights1A = net1.weight.detach().clone()

    elif  updateMethod == 1:   # net2 half-update
        output = net2 (torch.tanh (net1 (input)))
        loss2 = torch.nn.MSELoss() (output, target2)
        weights2A = net2.weight.detach().clone()

    elif  updateMethod == 2:   # perform full update with a single forward pass
        output = net2 (torch.tanh (net1 (input)))
        loss1 = torch.nn.MSELoss() (output, target1)   # net1 update
        loss1.backward (retain_graph = True)   # keep graph for net2 loss2.backward()
        weights1B = net1.weight.detach().clone()
        opt2.zero_grad()   # zero out net2 grads populated by loss1.backward()
        loss2 = torch.nn.MSELoss() (output, target2)   # net2 update
        weights2B = net2.weight.detach().clone()

print ('weights1A = ...')
print (weights1A)
print ('weights1B = ...')
print (weights1B)
print ('check weights1:', torch.allclose (weights1A, weights1B))
print ('weights2A = ...')
print (weights2A)
print ('weights2B = ...')
print (weights2B)
print ('check weights2:', torch.allclose (weights2A, weights2B))

Here is its output:

weights1A = ...
tensor([[-0.4652,  0.0495],
        [ 0.3326,  0.2997]])
weights1B = ...
tensor([[-0.4652,  0.0495],
        [ 0.3326,  0.2997]])
check weights1: True
weights2A = ...
tensor([[-0.6444,  0.6545],
        [-0.2909, -0.5669]])
weights2B = ...
tensor([[-0.6444,  0.6545],
        [-0.2909, -0.5669]])
check weights2: True


K. Frank

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