Dino training- input image

Hey there I am attempting to train dino to classify my images but I have some issues with the input image size. My images are actually 512x512 but most of it is just a black background and only a tiny part of the image is actually my object of interest. Do you have any recommendations on how to resize the image without affecting its quality?

Use this Function, you can just follow the example

Hi, thanks a lot!! Yes I thought about this one however, the dino input should not be smaller than 224x224 so this means that I cannot resize the images to a smaller size (?). However, my objects are about 50x50 pixels so I worry that 224x224 would still leave a lot of empty space

Well, maybe you can do a crop and then Resize it. That will solve your issue

Oh I see, sorry my bad I didn’t get the resize function right!! Thanks a lot!

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