[Discussion] Why normalise according to ImageNet mean and std dev for transfer learning?

Test (Nature images: Intel Image Classification | Kaggle)

Experiment 1.1: ImageNet Custom Stats vs None



You can see the general trend being that the normalised experiments are slightly above the experiment without normalisation most of the epochs.

Conclusion 1: Using custom ImageNet stats for the pytorch pretrained models provides better results than without normalisation as it is trained on ImageNet.

Experiment 1.2: ImageNet Custom Stats vs Own Custom Stats


ResNet-34 (Unstable, need to go more epochs to smooth out the accuracy):

Conclusion 2: Using your own dataset stats gives better result.

For further experiments into other domains like medical images and stock technical charts photos, I think it is unnecessary as it is obvious to me that your own dataset custom stats will be superior.

Personal Opinion: Just always find your own dataset mean and standard deviation, normalise accordingly. Keep this as a common practice. It only takes roughly 5 minutes to write the script and run it.