I saw a code like this,
{'params': bn, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 0,
'name': "BN scale/shift"}
so, dose ‘lr_mult’ and ‘decay_mult’ avaliable in pytorch optimizer ?
I saw a code like this,
{'params': bn, 'lr_mult': 1, 'decay_mult': 0,
'name': "BN scale/shift"}
so, dose ‘lr_mult’ and ‘decay_mult’ avaliable in pytorch optimizer ?
It depends on what optimizer you are using, some have it and some don’t. See details in the doc http://pytorch.org/docs/master/optim.html.
The optimizer is SGD. Both the documents about SGD and the method step
of SGD never mentioned about lr_mult
and lr_decay
Sorry, you are right. Those args are indeed not used by pytorch. Maybe the author forgot to convert them from caffe
Hi there, does it actually used in pytorch? I meet the same question.
As @SimonW mentioned above, those args are not used in PyTorch.