DQN doesn't seem to learn

Hello, sorry if this has been posted again and again, but I have yet another DQN agent that won’t learn.

Context : DQN agent with replay buffer on Farama’s Cartpole-v1

Problem : I tweaked the agent a lot, lately it will stagnate around 10 steps per episode (until termination or truncation) and once in a while it will have a peak at like 90-ish steps. Example here :

However it depends really. The persistent problem is that it doesn’t do more than 10 steps per episode on average.

The “Critic” module is just a 3 layer ReLU-MLP with hidden sizes : 5x128, 128x128, 1x128

here is the learning loop:

def learn(
        replay_buffer: ReplayBuffer,
    ) -> None:

        batch_s, batch_a, batch_r, batch_s_, batch_dw = replay_buffer.sample(
            self.batch_size, self.device
        )  # Sample a batch


        target = None
        with torch.no_grad():
            func = lambda s: self.critic_target(
                s.repeat(self.actions.shape[0], 1), self.actions
            )  # 1 logit / action for 1 state
            # fmt: off
            target = torch.func.vmap(func, in_dims=0)(batch_s_).max(1).values.view(-1, 1)  # bs x 1
            terminal = batch_dw == True
            target[terminal] = batch_r[terminal]
            target[~terminal] = batch_r[~terminal] + self.GAMMA * target[~terminal]

        loss = self.Loss(target, self.critic(batch_s, batch_a))
        return loss.item()

Here is the simulation loop :

while num_episodes < max_num_episodes:
	# epsilon-greedy
	sample = np.random.random()
	eps_threshold = scheduler.step()
	writer.add_scalar("Eps_threshold", eps_threshold, steps_done)
	steps_done += 1

	a = agent.choose_action(s)[0] if sample > eps_threshold else env.action_space.sample()
	if sample < eps_threshold:
		chose_random += 1
	# execute action and observe reward and next state
	s_, r, terminated, truncated, _ = env.step(a)
	reward += r
	replay_buffer.push(s, a, r, s_, terminated or truncated)

	# if steps_done >= batch_size:
	writer.add_scalar("Loss", agent.learn(replay_buffer), steps_done)

	if terminated or truncated:
		num_episodes += 1
		s, _ = env.reset(seed=SEED)
		writer.add_scalar("Episode length", ep_len, num_episodes)
		writer.add_scalar("Total Reward per episode", reward, num_episodes)
		writer.add_scalar("Number of times random action was chosen / Total number of actions", chose_random / num_episodes, num_episodes)
		chose_random = 0
		pbar.set_description(f"Reward {reward} Duration {ep_len} Episode {num_episodes}/{max_num_episodes}")
		reward = 0.
		ep_len = 0
		s = s_
		ep_len += 1

	#if (steps_done + 1) % update_freq == 0:

The parts “if steps_done >…” and “if (steps_done+1)%…” are commented because I tried with and without them and nothing changes.

Hyperparameters :
discount_factor = 0.99
tau for polyak averaging = 0.005
learning_rate = 1e-4
optimizer = Adam(weight_decay=0.2) and also tried AdamW(amsgrad=True)
loss = MSELoss but also tried SmoothL1Loss

Thank you for your time and answers in advance !

P.S. Small detail : most DQN networks will take a state and output n_actions values. Mine takes a state and an action and outputs the corresponding value (hence the 1 in 1x128). Therefore, I duplicate the action along the dim=0 and then evaluate the network in ([[s],[s],[s],…],[[a1],[a2],[a3],…]) and take the max on dim=1 for learning and the argmax on dim=0 for actions.

It’s all good, I found the mistake, it was in my training loop. When appending the tuple (s,a,r,s_,dw) I was treating the case when teruncated = True the same way when terminated = True (i.e. dw = terminated or truncated where it should be dw = terminated).

Now the thing is, that it struggles with catastrophic forgetting ^^’