I want to do this:
import torch
from torch.export import export
class DynamicShapeSlicing(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.probs = torch.rand((3,))
def forward(self, x, lengths):
idx = self.probs.argmax()
return x[idx, :, : lengths[idx]]
example_args = (torch.randn(3, 10, 8), torch.randint(0, 8, (3,)))
model = DynamicShapeSlicing()
ex = export(model, example_args, strict=False)
This is the error I get:
GuardOnDataDependentSymNode: Could not extract specialized integer from data-dependent expression u0 (unhinted: u0). (Size-like symbols: none)
Potential framework code culprit (scroll up for full backtrace):
File “/home/will/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/_export/non_strict_utils.py”, line 520, in torch_function
return func(*args, **kwargs)
For more information, run with TORCH_LOGS=“dynamic”
For extended logs when we create symbols, also add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CREATE_SYMBOL=“u0”
If you suspect the guard was triggered from C++, add TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1
For more debugging help, see Dealing with GuardOnDataDependentSymNode errors - Google Docs
For C++ stack trace, run with TORCHDYNAMO_EXTENDED_DEBUG_CPP=1
The following call raised this error:
File “/tmp/ipykernel_1216314/1925435421.py”, line 16, in forward
return x[idx, :, : lengths[idx]]
What is the proper way to do this that will allow me to export my model?