Easy question about mean() and dim

I have no idea how torch.mean(dim=0) is working.

for example when i run the code below

import torch
t = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

The output is

tensor([2., 3.])

I don’t know why the output comes like this.
Anyone with the insight please tell me how it is working like this.

It means: give me the mean of the elements iterated of the axis dim.
In your example what it does is:

(t[0] + t[1]) / num_elements = ([1, 2]+ [3, 4]) / 2 = [2., 3.]

Similarly if you specified dim1, it would do:

(t[:,0] + t[:,1]) / 2 = tensor([ 7., 13.])

same result as

>>> t.mean(dim=1)
tensor([ 7., 13.])

The dim parameter defines over which dimension of the tensor you are taking a mean. In your case, dim=0

t = [[1,2],
t.mean(dim=0) = [(1+3)/2, (2+4)/2] = [2,3]

For dim=1,

t = [[1,2],
t.mean(dim=1) = [(1+2)/2, (3+4)/2] = [1.5,3.5]

Hope this helps!

Helped me alot
thank you!