Efficient custom layer connections

I am trying to find the most efficient way to define a custom connectivity scheme between layers.

For example, below there are n input neurons and they each connect to every third neuron ±3 from themselves and fan out k steps.


Previous examples on how to do this involved defining a mask and setting the weights of this mask to zero each forward pass. My hesitance for this method is that the above could end up being very sparse and generating the connections for each forward pass itself could take up a lot of memory itself for large networks.

Is there a way to programmatically and efficiently define custom connections between FC layers?

A similar question before by @jukiewiczm is Gradient masking in register_backward_hook for custom connectivity - efficient implementation.

If you have a translation-invariant pattern, you might try clever reshaping and using torch.einsum in your forward: In your example, if you have a b x n shaped input for some n==l*s, you can reshape and then for some weight of shape k x l x s do torch.einsum('bls,kls->bks', inp.reshape(b, l, s), weight).view(b, k*s) to get your output.
For irregular patterns masking or using sparse matrix multiplication (with ad-hoc constructed sparse matrices from pre-defined indices) might be a good option.

Best regards
