Enter the below coursera course using PyTorch for machine learning coding

I want enter the below coursera course using PyTorch for machine learning coding…
I am post-beginner in Python programming (i am Not familiar using Python web programming like Django) for desktop programming… and also having some familiarity with Pygame, Tkinter, PyQt…
My development :desktop_computer: PC Using NVIDIA GEFORCE 1050 Ti… well you think i am ok to enter this course??

I cannot comment on this particular course, as I’m not familiar with it, and don’t know about it’s pricing or content, but are you concerned about your Python/ML/DL knowledge? If so, don’t worry too much and just take any course, which you are interested in. We all started at one point :wink:

ML has Nothing to do about Website development in Python, correct?
This is because I know Python only the non-web-development parts, and for web development i use PHP/Laravel

No, ML has nothing to with web development (unless you want to server an API to an ML model through a website), and as well nothing to do with application development. It’s mostly centred around statistics, linear algebra and high-level APIs for neural networks, whose underlying mechanics most people don’t understand, anyway :smiley:

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