Expected kernel launch delay

I am wondering what the expected time for kernel calls is. PyTorch kernel calls are asynchronous, so the GPU will do work while the CPU can already launch new kernels. I would expect something like the forward pass to very quick in python as long as there are no synchronization points. Obviously, when I need the result, I would have to wait for the CPU.
However, when I benchmarked this by simply measuring time in python for different operations it seemed like these were blocking. E.g.


takes longer than the forward pass of my model for some reason.

Any idea whether this is to expect?

How did you measure these operations? E.g. are you seeing a long kernel launch for this stand-alone operation or as part or a larger workload etc.?

Sorry for not being clear. Here are some examples that I ran on a GTX1080TI with PyTorch 1.8.
Maybe I am understanding something wrong about asynchronous execution.

from timeit import default_timer as timer

import torch
from torch import nn, jit
from torch.distributions import Normal
from tqdm import tqdm

class Timer:
    def __init__(self, name=None):
        self.name = name

        self.start = None
        self.end = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self.start = timer()

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        end = timer()
        duration = end - self.start

        print("DURATION:", self.name, duration)

Example 1: Simple multiplication

with Timer("kernel complete"):
    input_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512).pin_memory()
    parameter_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512, requires_grad=True).pin_memory()

    with Timer("kernel launch"):
        for i in tqdm(range(512)):
            input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
            parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

            result = input_gpu * parameter_gpu

DURATION: kernel launch 0.040197614999669895
DURATION: kernel complete 14.410601890999715

Example 2: Simple multiplication with backward pass

with Timer("kernel complete"):
    input_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512).pin_memory()
    parameter_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512, requires_grad=True).pin_memory()

    with Timer("kernel launch + cpu->gpu transfer"):
        with Timer("kernel launch"):
            for i in tqdm(range(512)):
                input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
                parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

                result = input_gpu * parameter_gpu


        input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
        parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

DURATION: kernel launch 5.375270492999334
DURATION: kernel launch + cpu->gpu transfer 5.3755872629990336
DURATION: kernel complete 6.740538608999486

Example 3: torch.distributions.Normal .sample() seems to block:

with Timer("kernel complete"):
    input_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512).pin_memory()
    parameter_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512, requires_grad=True).pin_memory()

    with Timer("kernel launch"):
        for i in tqdm(range(512)):
            input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
            parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

            result = Normal(input_gpu, 1).sample() * parameter_gpu

DURATION: kernel launch 5.955725089000225
DURATION: kernel complete 7.688505447999887

Example 4: torch.normal() launches quicker?

with Timer("kernel complete"):
    input_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512).pin_memory()
    parameter_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512, requires_grad=True).pin_memory()

    with Timer("kernel launch"):
        for i in tqdm(range(512)):
            input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
            parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

            result = (torch.normal(input_gpu, std=1)) * parameter_gpu

DURATION: kernel launch 1.862492633000329
DURATION: kernel complete 7.237628412999584

Example 5: log_prob also blocks?

with Timer("kernel complete"):
    input_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512).pin_memory()
    parameter_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512, requires_grad=True).pin_memory()

    with Timer("kernel launch"):
        for i in tqdm(range(512)):
            input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
            parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

            result = Normal(input_gpu, 1).log_prob(parameter_gpu)

DURATION: kernel launch 6.612539947000187
DURATION: kernel complete 8.380056750000222

Here, distributions are blocking because of scalar parameters, that are being wrapped in tensors (and copied to GPU blocking python) - this is avoidable with pre-created tensors (even better is to use simplified formulas for scale=1)

I’m not sure about backward() snippet, I think writing parameter_cpu.grad is blocking. But sync before starting backprop may also make sense…

Example 2 was choosen poorly. I updated it to better reflect my problem.

Update for example 5 with @googlebot explanation. Still far from what I would expect…

with Timer("kernel complete"):
    input_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512).pin_memory()
    parameter_cpu = torch.rand(32, 512, 512, requires_grad=True).pin_memory()
    stddev = torch.ones_like(input_cpu, device="cuda")

    with Timer("kernel launch"):
        for i in tqdm(range(N_ITERATIONS)):
            input_gpu = input_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)
            parameter_gpu = parameter_cpu.to("cuda", non_blocking=True)

            result = Normal(input_gpu, stddev).log_prob(parameter_gpu)



DURATION: kernel launch 4.855967344999954
DURATION: kernel complete 7.614574080998864

With N_ITERATIONS = 2048

DURATION: kernel launch 23.592640275999656
DURATION: kernel complete 26.401106097000593

I suspect you’re using 1.8 and this change affects blocking :

Enable distribution validation by default for torch.distributions (#48743)

This may slightly slow down some models. Concerned users may disable validation by using torch.distributions.Distribution.set_default_validate_args(False) or by disabling individual distribution validation via MyDistribution(…, validate_args=False).

FYI, previous version doesn’t block in this snippet, unless validate_args=[“scale”] is added

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I just tested it with example 5 and does not seem to make a difference.

I have to correct myself. These are some results for example 5:

With set_default_validate_args(True) and N_ITERATIONS=32

DURATION: kernel launch 0.4117265930000258
DURATION: kernel complete 1.801716031000069

With set_default_validate_args(False) and N_ITERATIONS=32

DURATION: kernel launch 0.019914979000077437
DURATION: kernel complete 1.801976835000005

With set_default_validate_args(True) and N_ITERATIONS=512

DURATION: kernel launch 6.590126628999997
DURATION: kernel complete 8.072248363000085

With set_default_validate_args(False) and N_ITERATIONS=512

DURATION: kernel launch 4.870119396000064
DURATION: kernel complete 7.648874833000036

Is there something else I am missing? There seems to be a big difference in launch time depending on N_ITERATIONS.

I guess you’re overloading the cuda launch queue. Or garbage collection triggers cuda sync somehow.

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