FFT2 Input range

According to the document 1.8.0-fft2,
two ffts and fft2 should be allclose

It is true when input range is 0~1.
When input range is above 1 (ex.0~25), first row and first column are allclose but the rest of them are not.
Is there a precision issue on this? output differs in e-07 range.

Tested as below

in_tensor = torch.arange(25).view(5,5)
print(torch.allclose(torch.fft.fft(torch.fft.fft(in_tensor, dim=0), dim=1), torch.fft.fft2(in_tensor)))
in_tensor = torch.rand(25).view(5,5)
print(torch.allclose(torch.fft.fft(torch.fft.fft(in_tensor, dim=0), dim=1), torch.fft.fft2(in_tensor)))