Forward pass with different weights for the same batch

I’m implementing a custom forward function for e.g. nn.Conv2d and nn.Linear but I want to do 1 forward pass with N slightly noised versions of the weight for each sample in the mini-batch, without having to break it down into N different forward passes. For example, I might do:

for p in range(perturbations):
    features.append(F.conv2d(input[p, :], weight+noise[p], bias, stride, padding, dilation, groups))

So input would be of dimensions B x C_in x H x W whereas the noised-weights would be of dimensions N x C_out x C_in x k x k where N = B in the above example. How can I vectorise the forward passes? Thanks!

Hi Ccl!

Use the groups feature of conv2d().

In more detail:

Expand your input to create N copies of itself, packaged in the in_channels
dimension, so that it has dimensions B x N * C_in x H x W. Then use
groups = N in your call to conv2d() and package your N noisy copies of your
weight tensor into a single weight tensor with dimensions, similar to as you
described, of N * C_out x C_in x k x k. You will also have to expand()
the bias you pass in to replicate it N-fold to dimensions N * C_out.


K. Frank

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Looks promising, I’ll test this out very soon, thanks!