GAN generator output strange single-colored images

I am implementing a White-box cartoonization GAN model from scratch in PyTorch. I ran into this issue. After the initialization phase, the generator starts giving weird outputs after a few iterations in the training phase. I have been debugging it for a week but to no avail. Does anyone know what this phenomenon means?

Files explanation:

My code:

def initialization_phase(gen, loader, opt_gen, l1_loss, VGG, pretrain_epochs):
    for epoch in range(pretrain_epochs):
        loop = tqdm(loader, leave=True)
        losses = []

        for idx, (sample_photo, _) in enumerate(loop):
            sample_photo =
            reconstructed = gen(sample_photo)

            sample_photo_feature = VGG(sample_photo)
            reconstructed_feature = VGG(reconstructed)
            reconstruction_loss = l1_loss(reconstructed_feature, sample_photo_feature.detach())



        print('[%d/%d] - Recon loss: %.8f' % ((epoch + 1), pretrain_epochs, torch.mean(torch.FloatTensor(losses))))
        save_image(sample_photo*0.5+0.5, os.path.join(config.RESULT_TRAIN_DIR, str(epoch + 1) + "_initialization_phase_photo.png"))
        save_image(reconstructed*0.5+0.5, os.path.join(config.RESULT_TRAIN_DIR, str(epoch + 1) + "_initialization_phase_reconstructed.png"))

def train_fn(disc_texture, disc_surface, gen, loader, opt_disc, opt_gen, l1_loss, mse,
             VGG, extract_structure, extract_texture, extract_surface, var_loss):

    step = 0
    for epoch in range(config.NUM_EPOCHS):
        loop = tqdm(loader, leave=True)

        # Training
        for idx, (sample_photo, sample_cartoon) in enumerate(loop):
            sample_photo =
            sample_cartoon =

            # Train Discriminator
            fake_cartoon = gen(sample_photo)
            output_photo = extract_surface.process(sample_photo, fake_cartoon, r=1)

            # Surface Representation
            blur_fake = extract_surface.process(output_photo, output_photo, r=5, eps=2e-1)
            blur_cartoon = extract_surface.process(sample_cartoon, sample_cartoon, r=5, eps=2e-1)
            D_blur_real = disc_surface(blur_cartoon)
            D_blur_fake = disc_surface(blur_fake.detach())
            d_loss_surface_real = mse(D_blur_real, torch.ones_like(D_blur_real))
            d_loss_surface_fake = mse(D_blur_fake, torch.zeros_like(D_blur_fake))
            d_loss_surface = (d_loss_surface_real + d_loss_surface_fake)/2.0

            # Textural Representation
            gray_fake, gray_cartoon = extract_texture.process(output_photo, sample_cartoon)
            D_gray_real = disc_texture(gray_cartoon)
            D_gray_fake = disc_texture(gray_fake.detach())
            d_loss_texture_real = mse(D_gray_real, torch.ones_like(D_gray_real))
            d_loss_texture_fake = mse(D_gray_fake, torch.zeros_like(D_gray_fake))
            d_loss_texture = (d_loss_texture_real + d_loss_texture_fake)/2.0

            d_loss_total = d_loss_surface + d_loss_texture


            # Train Generator
            fake_cartoon = gen(sample_photo)
            output_photo = extract_surface.process(sample_photo, fake_cartoon, r=1)

            # Guided Filter
            blur_fake = extract_surface.process(output_photo, output_photo, r=5, eps=2e-1)
            D_blur_fake = disc_surface(blur_fake)
            g_loss_surface = config.LAMBDA_SURFACE * mse(D_blur_fake, torch.ones_like(D_blur_fake))

            # Color Shift
            gray_fake, = extract_texture.process(output_photo)
            D_gray_fake = disc_texture(gray_fake)
            g_loss_texture = config.LAMBDA_TEXTURE * mse(D_gray_fake, torch.ones_like(D_gray_fake))

            # SuperPixel
            input_superpixel = extract_structure.process(output_photo.detach())
            vgg_output = VGG(output_photo)
            _, c, h, w = vgg_output.shape
            vgg_superpixel = VGG(input_superpixel)
            superpixel_loss = config.LAMBDA_STRUCTURE * l1_loss(vgg_superpixel, vgg_output) / (c*h*w)

            # Content Loss
            vgg_photo = VGG(sample_photo)
            content_loss = config.LAMBDA_CONTENT * l1_loss(vgg_photo, vgg_output) / (c*h*w)

            # Variation Loss
            tv_loss = config.LAMBDA_VARIATION * var_loss(output_photo)

            g_loss_total = g_loss_surface + g_loss_texture + superpixel_loss + content_loss + tv_loss




            if step % config.SAVE_IMG_PER_STEP == 0:
                save_image(*0.5+0.5,gray_fake*0.5+0.5,input_superpixel*0.5+0.5), axis=3), os.path.join(config.RESULT_TRAIN_DIR, "step_" + str(step+1) + "_photo_rep.png"))
                save_image(sample_photo*0.5+0.5, os.path.join(config.RESULT_TRAIN_DIR, "step_" + str(step+1) + "_photo.png"))
                save_image(fake_cartoon*0.5+0.5, os.path.join(config.RESULT_TRAIN_DIR, "step_" + str(step+1) + "_fakecartoon.png"))

                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - D Surface loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), d_loss_surface.item()))
                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - D Texture loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), d_loss_texture.item()))

                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - G Surface loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), g_loss_surface.item()))
                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - G Texture loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), g_loss_texture.item()))
                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - G Structure loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), superpixel_loss.item()))
                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - G Content loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), content_loss.item()))
                print('[Epoch: %d| Step: %d] - G Variation loss: %.12f' % ((epoch + 1), (step+1), tv_loss.item()))

            step += 1

            loop.set_postfix(step=step, epoch=epoch+1)

    if config.SAVE_MODEL and epoch % 5 == 0:
        save_checkpoint(gen, opt_gen, epoch, folder=config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER, filename=config.CHECKPOINT_GEN)

def main():
    disc_texture = Discriminator(in_channels=3).to(config.DEVICE)
    disc_surface = Discriminator(in_channels=3).to(config.DEVICE)
    gen = Generator(img_channels=3).to(config.DEVICE)

    opt_disc = optim.Adam(itertools.chain(disc_surface.parameters(),disc_texture.parameters()), lr=config.LEARNING_RATE, betas=(0.5, 0.999))
    opt_gen = optim.Adam(gen.parameters(), lr=config.LEARNING_RATE, betas=(0.5, 0.999))

    VGG19 = VGGNet(in_channels=3, VGGtype="VGG19", init_weights=config.VGG_WEIGHTS, batch_norm=False, feature_mode=True)
    VGG19 =

    extract_structure = SuperPixel(config.DEVICE, mode='sscolor')
    extract_texture = ColorShift(config.DEVICE, mode='uniform', image_format='rgb')
    extract_surface = GuidedFilter()

    #BCE_Loss = nn.BCELoss()
    L1_Loss = nn.L1Loss()
    MSE_Loss = nn.MSELoss() # went through the author's code and found him using LSGAN, LSGAN should gives better training
    var_loss = VariationLoss(1)
    train_dataset = MyDataset(config.TRAIN_PHOTO_DIR, config.TRAIN_CARTOON_DIR)
    train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=config.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=config.NUM_WORKERS)

    if config.LOAD_MODEL:
        is_gen_loaded = load_checkpoint(
            gen, opt_gen, config.LEARNING_RATE, folder=config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER, checkpoint_file=config.LOAD_CHECKPOINT_GEN
        is_disc_loaded = load_checkpoint(
            disc_texture, opt_disc, config.LEARNING_RATE, folder=config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER, checkpoint_file=config.LOAD_CHECKPOINT_DISC
        is_disc_loaded = load_checkpoint(
            disc_surface, opt_disc, config.LEARNING_RATE, folder=config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER, checkpoint_file=config.LOAD_CHECKPOINT_DISC

    # Initialization Phase
    if not(is_gen_loaded):
        print("=> Initialization Phase")
        initialization_phase(gen, train_loader, opt_gen, L1_Loss, VGG19, config.PRETRAIN_EPOCHS)
        print("Finished Initialization Phase")

        if config.SAVE_MODEL:
            save_checkpoint(gen, opt_gen, 'i', folder=config.CHECKPOINT_FOLDER, filename=config.CHECKPOINT_GEN)

    # Do the training
    print("=> Start Training")
    train_fn(disc_texture, disc_surface, gen, train_loader, opt_disc, opt_gen, L1_Loss, MSE_Loss, 
            VGG19, extract_structure, extract_texture, extract_surface, var_loss)
    print("=> Training finished")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Full repo: GitHub - vinesmsuic/White-box-Cartoonization-PyTorch: PyTorch implementation of “Learning to Cartoonize Using White-box Cartoon Representations” (CVPR 2020). Now with gradio demo

I would be so grateful if anyone could give me some help or insight into how this phenomenon happens.

It seems the problem comes from the VGG pretrained model.

The author of the paper used the CaffeVGG pretrained model which takes BGR(0-255) as input.
While the PytorchVGG pretrained model takes RGB(0-1) as input. Therefore the content loss weighting are different. Now I multiplied the value with 255 and the problem is solved.