Getting Triton to generate all kernels

I’m looking at the the debug traces produced by TORCH_COMPILE_DEBUG=1 and I can see while most of the kernels are generated by Triton/C++ code generator in Inductor, some kernels (especially mm, addmm, etc) are offloaded into external libraries/templates etc. See the example below.

from torch._inductor.select_algorithm import extern_kernels
..., arg1_1, out=buf0)

I’m wondering if I can make Triton/C++ code generator emit code for 100% of my operators without using extern_kernels.


No global flag for this as far as I know but poking around here will be your best bet

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Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, this definitely seems to be the way. From what I’ve seen, gemm kernels are the ones that get predominantly handled by extern_kernels.

If I remove ATEN from config.max_autotune_gemm_backends and enable TORCHINDUCTOR_MAX_AUTOTUNE, then Triton kicks in and generates gemm kernels.


Hello @trusira @marksaroufim

I followed your lead and made the following changes:

torch._inductor.config.max_autotune_gemm_backends = "TRITON" # removed ATEN
torch._inductor.config.max_autotune = True

But I still get an error as follows:

  File "/home/amodab01/anaconda3/envs/ml_training/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_inductor/kernel/", line 156, in tuned_mm
    return autotune_select_algorithm("mm", choices, [mat1, mat2], layout)
  File "/home/amodab01/anaconda3/envs/ml_training/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_inductor/", line 991, in autotune_select_algorithm
    return _ALGORITHM_SELECTOR_CACHE(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/amodab01/anaconda3/envs/ml_training/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/_inductor/", line 723, in __call__
    raise RuntimeError(
torch._dynamo.exc.BackendCompilerFailed: backend='inductor' raised:
LoweringException: RuntimeError: No choices to select, please consider adding ATEN into max_autotune_gemm_backends config (defined in torch/_inductor/ to allow at least one choice. 
  args[0]: TensorBox(
        InputBuffer(name='primals_3', layout=FixedLayout('cuda', torch.float32, size=[100], stride=[1]))
      FixedLayout('cuda', torch.float32, size=[1, 100], stride=[100, 1]),
  args[1]: TensorBox(
        InputBuffer(name='primals_1', layout=FixedLayout('cuda', torch.float32, size=[100, 100], stride=[100, 1]))
      FixedLayout('cuda', torch.float32, size=[100, 100], stride=[1, 100]),


import torch
import torch._inductor.config
torch._inductor.config.trace.enabled = True
torch._inductor.config.max_autotune_gemm_backends = "TRITON"
torch._inductor.config.max_autotune = True

class ToyModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.l = torch.nn.Linear(100, 100)
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.relu(self.l(x))

m = ToyModel().to(device="cuda:0")

m = torch.compile(m)
input_tensor = torch.randn(100).to(device="cuda:0")
out = m(input_tensor)