I am implementing this activation function:
class EOActivation(Function):
Electro-optic activations as described in -
{Williamson, Ian AD, et al. "Reprogrammable electro-optic nonlinear
activation functions for optical neural networks." IEEE Journal of
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26.1 (2019): 1-12.}
def forward(Z: Tensor,
alpha: Tensor,
g: Tensor,
phi_b: Tensor) -> Tensor:
Forward-pass of EO nactivation function
Z: tensor, Input tensor
alpha: tensor, parameter 'alpha'
g: tensor, parameter 'g'
phi_b: tensor, parameter 'phi_b'
return 1j * torch.sqrt(1 - alpha) * torch.exp(
-1j*0.5*g*torch.conj(Z)*Z - 1j*0.5*phi_b) * torch.cos(
0.5*g*torch.conj(Z)*Z + 0.5*phi_b) * Z
def setup_context(ctx, inputs, output):
ctx: Context object
inputs: Inputs are the inputs to forward()
output: Output tensor of forward()
# Save parameters and output of forward for backward pass
input, alpha, g, phi_b = inputs
ctx.save_for_backward(input, alpha, g, phi_b)
def backward(ctx, grad_Z: Tensor) -> Tensor:
ctx: context object
grad_Z: backpropagated gradient signal from (l+1)th layer
# get the parameters and output field computed during forward-pass
Z, alpha, g, phi_b = ctx.saved_tensors
zR, zI = Z.real, Z.imag
# df_dRe - Gradient w.r.t. real part of the input
df_dRe = torch.sqrt(1 - alpha) * torch.exp((-0.5*1j)*g*(zR - 1j*zI)*(zR + 1j*zI) - (
0.5*1j)*phi_b) * (zR*g*(zI - 1j*zR) * torch.sin(0.5*(zR**2)*g + 0.5*(
zI**2)*g + 0.5*phi_b) + ((zR**2)*g + 1j*zR*zI*g + 1j) * torch.cos(
0.5*(zR**2)*g + 0.5*(zI**2)*g + 0.5*phi_b))
#df_dIm - Gradient w.r.t. imaginary part of the input
df_dIm = torch.sqrt(1 - alpha) * torch.exp((-0.5*1j)*g*(zR - 1j*zI)*(zR + 1j*zI) - (
0.5*1j) * phi_b) * (zI*g*(zI - 1j*zR) * torch.sin(0.5*(zR**2)*g + 0.5*(
zI**2)*g + 0.5*phi_b) + (zR*zI*g + 1j*(zI**2)*g - 1) * torch.cos(
0.5*(zR**2)*g + 0.5*(zI**2)*g + 0.5*phi_b))
# Return the gradient and 'None' for parameters in forward()
return (grad_Z*df_dRe).real - 1j*(grad_Z*df_dIm).real, None, None, None
where alpha, g and phi_b are constant parameters initialized as tensors with “requires_grad=False”. The function is applied in a layer class whose forward() looks like this:
def forward(self, Z: Tensor) -> Tensor:
Z: Input tensor from (l-1)th layer
Z_out: Output tensor after forward propagation (activation)
Z = EOActivation.apply(Z, self.alpha, self.g, self.phi_b)
if self.photodetect:
Z = Z.square()
if self.bias is not None:
Z = Z + self.bias.unsqueeze(0)
return Z
let’s say “photodetect” and “bias” are always “False”.
My problem is that the activation does not work as expected. When used as part of a neural network, it fails to learn. I am compraing the equations with another implementation and the calculations seem to be correct. My gradcheck output looks like this:
Looks like there is a sign mismatch. Can anyone please tell me if I am missing any properties in my implementation? Or if I need to take any additional care for handling the gradients?