Gradient flow with torch.no_grad()

Hi everyone :slight_smile:
I have two nn.Module that are applied sequentially to the first input, with the second, net2, having also an additional input. I would like to compute gradient of the parameters of net1 with a loss that involves net2 and I don’t want to touch parameters in net2.
I wrote something like the following pseudocode, is it intended to work the way I think? Which values should I check?:

intermediate_output = net1(first_input)
with torch.no_grad():
    final_output = net2(intermediate_output, second_input)
final_output.requires_grad = True
loss = criterion(final_output, target)

Thanks in advance!

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This won’t work, as the forward pass in net2 isn’t tracked.
You could set the requires_grad attribute of all parameters of net2 to False, which would work:

net1 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
net2 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
for param in net2.parameters():

input = torch.randn(1, 10)
intermediate = net1(input)
output = net2(intermediate)

loss = ((output - torch.ones_like(output))**2).sum()

print([p.grad for p in net1.parameters()])
> [tensor([[ 1.5799,  0.2672,  0.5110,  0.3669,  1.2625, -1.0545,  0.9783,  0.0497,
          0.3349, -0.8837],
        [ 0.5785,  0.0978,  0.1871,  0.1343,  0.4623, -0.3861,  0.3582,  0.0182,
          0.1226, -0.3236],
        [ 0.7554,  0.1277,  0.2443,  0.1754,  0.6037, -0.5042,  0.4677,  0.0237,
          0.1601, -0.4225],
        [ 2.8158,  0.4762,  0.9107,  0.6540,  2.2502, -1.8794,  1.7435,  0.0885,
          0.5969, -1.5751],
        [ 1.6854,  0.2850,  0.5451,  0.3914,  1.3468, -1.1249,  1.0436,  0.0530,
          0.3572, -0.9427],
        [-6.6639, -1.1269, -2.1553, -1.5477, -5.3253,  4.4478, -4.1262, -0.2094,
         -1.4125,  3.7275],
        [-2.5643, -0.4336, -0.8294, -0.5955, -2.0492,  1.7115, -1.5878, -0.0806,
         -0.5435,  1.4344],
        [ 3.9104,  0.6613,  1.2647,  0.9082,  3.1249, -2.6100,  2.4213,  0.1229,
          0.8289, -2.1873],
        [-0.9989, -0.1689, -0.3231, -0.2320, -0.7982,  0.6667, -0.6185, -0.0314,
         -0.2117,  0.5587],
        [ 2.2345,  0.3779,  0.7227,  0.5190,  1.7857, -1.4914,  1.3836,  0.0702,
          0.4737, -1.2499]]), tensor([-0.9480, -0.3471, -0.4533, -1.6896, -1.0113,  3.9986,  1.5386, -2.3464,
         0.5994, -1.3408])]
print([p.grad for p in net2.parameters()])
> [None, None]
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Thanks for the flash reply!
In my example, net1 and net2 are generator and discriminator of a GAN and I think I can’t apply your suggestion as I am accumulating gradient of both networks over multiple mini batches due to low memory available. IN other to include your suggestion I would need to save gradient values every time I set the requires_grad flag to False and assign it back later … (please correct me if I’m wrong).

Does generator training need the forward pass of the discriminator to be tracked in the gradient flow? Is there a way to update the generator in a RL fashion? Just as if final_output was a sort of feedback from the environment (torch doesn’t throw any error, but gradients are none for both net1 and net2…).