Help in back propagating the loss

I am working on a model which looks like below fig:

Input image (I) is fed to the system which goes through some convolution layers and produces feature vector X. The feature vector X is then connected to two fully connected layers U and V. U and V are then connected to a series of deconvolution layers that generate some image. I have different losses and ground truths at the end of U and V.

The problem is that I am not able to understand how to perform the backpropagation in such a model. How would I be able to combine the two gradients when they backpropagate from U->X and V->X? The idea is to simply add the two gradients, but I am not able to understand how to achieve that.

This is my first question in PyTorch discussion. Let me know if I am unclear and if you need more details.

Hi @harshj94,

In PyTorch, gradients are accumulating by default.
So if you simply have this before optimizer.step:


with no optimizer.zero_grad() in between,
you will end up with x.grad containing dLoss1/dx + dLoss2/dx.

Also when you create the optimzer you have to give it the params of the 3 models:

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(list(model1.parameters()) + list(model2.parameters()) + list(model3.parameters()))
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This is working.
Just that the Loss1 had to be written like
Loss1.backward(retain_graph = True)

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