How are layer weights and biases initialized by default?

One answer in this older thread suggests that the initialisation resembles what is referred to “LeCun Initialisation”. This comment is probably long overdue, but pytorch does not implement LeCun or He/Kaiming initialisation for the Linear module.

If we go through the code (v1.5.0) of Linear.reset_parameters, the first line initialises the weight matrix:
init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5)). If we take a look at how kaiming_uniform is implemented, we find that this line is equivalent to

fan = tensor.size(1)  # fan-in for linear, as computed by _calculate_correct_fan
gain = math.sqrt(2.0 / (1 + a ** 2))  # gain, as computed by calculate_gain
std = gain / math.sqrt(fan)
bound = math.sqrt(3.0) * std
with torch.no_grad():
    return tensor.uniform_(-bound, bound)

Since a = math.sqrt(5) the weights are initialised with std = 1 / math.sqrt(3.0 * fan_in). For reference, LeCun initialisation would be 1 / math.sqrt(fan_in) and He initialisation uses math.sqrt(2 / fan_in).

The bias initialisation in Linear.reset_parameters reveals another problem. Although biases are normally initialised with zeros (for the sake of simplicity), the idea is probably to initialise the biases with std = math.sqrt(1 / fan_in) (cf. LeCun init). By using this value for the boundaries of the uniform distribution, the resulting distribution has std math.sqrt(1 / 3.0 * fan_in), which happens to be the same as the standard deviation for the weights.

A more reasonable default for me would be to use LeCun initialisation (since this has been the go-to standard since 1998). I could also understand Kaiming initialisation as the default, because everyone is using ReLU activation functions everywhere anyway (although I have a feeling that this is not necessarily the case for people working with fully connected networks). Some time ago, I submitted a pull request to adopt LeCun initialisation as the default, but there seems to be little incentive to actually make changes due to backward compatibility.

This probably also explains why pytorch ended up with its own initialisation strategy for fully connected networks. Someone must have forgotten about the fact that a uniform distribution with bounds -b, b has a standard deviation of b / math.sqrt(3) instead of just b. Due to backwards compatibility this got stuck and no-one is willing to make the change to the more widely accepted and standard initialisation.