Presumably your tensor in question contains elements that are close
enough to being outside of the range of a float32 that the computations
for mean() and dev() overflow.
>>> import torch
>>> torch.__version__
>>> def tensorStory(name, tnsr):
... print (f"{name}: {tnsr.shape}, dtype: {tnsr.dtype}, device: {tnsr.device}, " + \
... (" has grad, " if tnsr.requires_grad else " no grad, ") + \
... f"has {torch.isnan(tnsr).sum().item()} NaNs and {torch.isinf(tnsr).sum().item()} Infs " +\
... f"avg {torch.mean(tnsr)} dev {torch.std(tnsr)}")
>>> tFloat = -2.e38 * torch.ones (2, requires_grad = True)
>>> tFloat
tensor([-2.0000e+38, -2.0000e+38], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>)
>>> tensorStory ('tFloat', tFloat)
tFloat: torch.Size([2]), dtype: torch.float32, device: cpu, has grad, has 0 NaNs and 0 Infs avg -inf dev inf