How do I apply same transformations to image and mask?

Trying to implement data augmentation into a semantic segmentation training, I tried to apply some transformations to the same image and mask. If I rotate the image, I need to rotate the mask as well. The thing is RandomRotation, RandomHorizontalFlip, etc. use random seeds.

I read somewhere this seeds are generated at the instantiation of the transforms. I’m trying to figure out how to ensure that both image and mask are transformed in the same way. This is a “simple” example of the workflow I’ve tried, which results in image and mask with different rotations.

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from import read_image
from torchvision.transforms import v2

# Load mask
mask_path = os.path.join("data/train_masks", "0cdf5b5d0ce1_01_mask.gif")
mask = torch.tensor(np.array(, dtype=np.float32), dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0)
mask[mask == 255.0] = 1.0

# Load image
img_path = os.path.join("data/train", "0cdf5b5d0ce1_01.jpg")
image = read_image(img_path)

# Define transforms
transform = v2.Compose([
    v2.Resize((160, 240)),

# Apply transforms
image, mask = transform(image,mask)

# Image
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(image.permute(1, 2, 0))

# Mask
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(mask.permute(1, 2, 0), cmap='gray')

# Show figure

Also, if anyone has a better way of reading a gif file I’m all ears :slight_smile: .

You can either use the functional API as described here or torchvision.transforms.v2 which allows to pass multiple objects as described here .


Whoa, #til

We here always used albumentations for augmentations. I didn’t know that torchvision had an augmentation system.

Hi @ptrblck , this does not work for me. For example, let us take random rotation. If I set angle to a definite value, the same rotation happens to both mask and image. But if I set random angle or random probability to image and still pass same angle, the transformation looks different in mask and image. Please help.

Here’s my code-

import torchvision.transforms.functional as F

class RandomRotate:
def init(self, rotate_prob=0.5, degrees=45):
self.rotate_prob = rotate_prob
self.degrees = degrees

def __call__(self, input, target):
    # if random.random() < self.rotate_prob:
                # angle = random.uniform(-self.degrees, self.degrees)
                angle = 45
                input = F.rotate(input, angle)
                target = F.rotate(target, angle)

    return input, target

I am also attaching the output if i use random-

Could you add debug print statements into the transformation showing which angle is used as it should work?
I.e. something like:

angle = random.uniform(-self.degrees, self.degrees)
print("using angle {} to rotate input".format(angle))
input = F.rotate(input, angle)
print("using angle {} to rotate target".format(angle))
target = F.rotate(target, angle)

It should show the same angle and would thus rotate both images with it.
If that’s the case your plot might show the images in a wrong order or you might be shuffling the images somewhere afterwards.

If plotting is the problem, then I would not get the right output when I set angle deterministically. i.e if I set angle = 52.3 for example without using random and plot it, I see the following correct output-

So, this confirms that plotting is not the issue…

But also, when I print angle like you said, I see the same value printed but output does not match

So you have confirmed that indeed the same angle is used for both rotations and that the plotting is not an issue. In this case the correspondence between input and target seems to be broken somewhere else and we might need a minimal and executable code snippet to reproduce and isolate the issue.