How does backward update the weights under the hood?

Suppose I define a new function called foo . This function has some new operations, so I define the autograd.Function myself. In the backward, I use autograd to compute the gradient automatically.

class foo(torch.autograd.Function):

def forward(ctx, x0, params):
      out = torch.sum( x0 * params)
      ctx.save_for_backward(x0, params)
      return out 

def backward(ctx, grad_output):
      x0, params = ctx.saved_tensors
      with torch.set_grad_enabled(True):
               out = torch.sum( x0 * params)
              gradient = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=out,
                                              grad_outputs= grad_output,
                                              only_inputs = True)
                dfdx = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=out,
                                              grad_outputs= grad_output,
                                              only_inputs = True)
              return dfdx, gradient

Now I want to use the foo

class model(nn.Module):

     def forward(self, x):
           parameters = self.parameters()
           new_parameters = process_parameters(parameters)
           func = foo.apply 
           out  = func (x, new_parameters)
           return out

in the model class, I have a process_parameters function to reshape the weights to different dimension.

Here is my question: how does PyTorch update weights by gradient descent method? How do I know the model class has new weights? Does PyTorch realize that new_parameters is actually self.parameters() and update self.parameters() according to the new value from new_parameters ?


If your process_parameter function is differentiable, then yes the gradient will flow back all the way to the original Parameters.

Note that the update of the parameters will be done by the optimizer that you have to define along with your model.