How does `scatter_add` work?


I’m bit puzzled on how scatter_add( works.


Why can’t I reproduce the same result with for-loops?

self[index[i][j][k]][j][k] += other[i][j][k]  # if dim == 0
self[i][index[i][j][k]][k] += other[i][j][k]  # if dim == 1
self[i][j][index[i][j][k]] += other[i][j][k]  # if dim == 2


I’m testing the method progressively starting from a

1-D tensor.

a = tf.Variable([1,2,3], dtype=tf.float32)
b = torch.tensor([1,2,3], dtype=torch.float32)

indices = np.array([0,0,1,2,1,0,2],
updates = np.array(list(range(len(indices))), dtype=np.float32)

b.scatter_add(0, torch.from_numpy(indices), torch.from_numpy(updates))
# tensor([ 7.,  8., 12.])

2-D tensor.

array = np.array([
], dtype=np.float32)

b = torch.tensor(array, dtype=torch.float32)

indices = np.array([
    [0,0], [0,1]
updates = np.array(
    [[1,2], [3,4]], 

Here I run into an error:

b.scatter_add(0, torch.from_numpy(indices), torch.from_numpy(updates))

# Isn't the above the same as below?
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):
        b[indices[i,j]][j] += updates[i,j]
# tensor([[5., 4., 3.],
#         [4., 9., 6.]])

The following does not raise an error:

b.scatter_add(1, torch.from_numpy(indices), torch.from_numpy(updates))
# tensor([[11.,  4.,  3.],
#         [10., 17.,  6.]])

# However, the result is not as same as 
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):
        b[i, indices[i,j]] += updates[i,j]
# tensor([[ 8.,  4.,  3.],
#         [ 7., 13.,  6.]])


Plus, is scatter_add compatible with tf.scatter_add(

The second example yields the same result on my machine.
Could you make sure to reinitialize b and check the result again?

The first call raises an error, since you have a dimension mismatch.
If you expand indices and updates, the code will also return the same values:

array = np.array([[1,2,3],

b = torch.tensor(array, dtype=torch.float32)

indices = np.array([[0,0,0],
updates = np.array([[1,2,3],

print(b.scatter_add(0, torch.from_numpy(indices), torch.from_numpy(updates)))

for i in range(2):
    for j in range(3):
        b[indices[i,j]][j] += updates[i,j]

> tensor([[ 6.,  4.,  6.],
          [ 4., 10., 12.]])
> tensor([[ 6.,  4.,  6.],
          [ 4., 10., 12.]])

I see. So for a 2-D tensor of shape (x, y), y has to be the same for all tensors involved in.

As of PyTorch 1.1.0 and TF 1.14.0, their logic for scatter_add differ. So I just created a custom ops in TF for my project.