I have two tensor a, b with the shape (batch_size,seq_len,dim)
the first operation is M=torch.bmm(a,b.transpose(1,2)) it works pretty fast.
and the second operation output the same result, but works pretty slowly:
my question is why does bmm work so fast , is it because the cuda optimize for matrix multiplication?
and the second question is is there accelerated way to do subtraction operation like bmm? the subtraction operation is like below:
The CUDA api is asynchronous. So you only measure the time to launch the cuda kernel, not how long it takes to run it.
Here is a small benchmark code. It will show you the runtime and the peak memory usage for both cases.
Note that for such big number, the float overflows and you may want to use double.
import torch
import time
a = torch.randint(high=1000, size=(20, 200, 256)).float().cuda()
b = torch.randint(high=1000, size=(20, 200, 256)).float().cuda()
start = time.time()
M = torch.bmm(a, b.transpose(1, 2))
end = time.time()
print("bmm", end - start)
print("max_mem", torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated())
start = time.time()
local_a = a.unsqueeze(2)
local_b = b.unsqueeze(1)
N = (local_a*local_b).sum(-1)
end = time.time()
print("element-wise", end - start)
print("max_mem", torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated())
print("output difference (should be 0)", (N - M).abs().max())
print("In single precision this can fail because of the size of the tensors.")
print("Using double should always work")
Really appreciate your reply and the code! I changed float to double(because float failed like you stated) and ran the code on GPU.
I got the right answer.However, the max_mem and time consumed between bmm and element-wise are of great difference:
The bmm use much less memory because it does not have to create the matrix (a*b) (after the unsqueeze). This matrix in the example is of size 20x200x200x256 and so use a HUGE amount of memory.
bmm is smarter in that it does not build this matrix but that means it cannot use of the parallelization power of the GPU as well.
But if bmm cannot use the parallelization power of GPU, why it showed up that it 's much faster than element-wise multiplication?because it does not build matrix explicitly? And if I want to do subtraction operation rather than multiplication , is there any way to make it faster like bmm?
That’s interesting on both Titan Black and Titan X, the bmm version is actually slower (4 to 10x). I guess that depend on your GPU
I’m afraid at this level, the difference is mostly going to come from the parameters of how the job is launched on the GPU and the GPU itself.