How to backprop the min of loss A and max of loss B?

In the process of training a GAN, I am trying to change the params of gen() such that a cross-entropy loss: f_loss = CE_loss(f_pred, labels) is maximized and a different type of loss: lossG = torch.mean(torch.log(1. - output)) is minimized.

This is my code:

adv_ex = adv_ex.reshape(32, 28*28)
output = disc(adv_ex) #discriminator decides if advex is real or fake
lossG = torch.mean(torch.log(1. - output)) #get loss for gen's desired desc pred

adv_ex = adv_ex.reshape(-1,1,28,28)
f_pred = target(adv_ex) #.size() = [32, 10]
f_loss = CE_loss(f_pred, labels) #add loss for gens desired f pred
loss_G_Final = f_loss+lossG # can change the weight of this loss term later
loss_G_Final =

I’m pretty sure that this will minimize lossG, but also minimize f_loss. How can I change this so that the gen() parameters will maximize the crossentropy f_loss as well as minimize lossG?

here is the entire code block if needed:

# set up the optimizers and loss for the models
opt_disc = optim.Adam(disc.parameters(), lr=lr)
opt_gen = optim.Adam(gen.parameters(), lr=lr) 
CE_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for batch_idx, (real, labels) in enumerate(loader):
        #get a fixed input batch to display gen output
        if batch_idx == 0:
            if epoch == 0:
                fixed_input = real.view(-1,784).to(device)
        adv_ex = real.clone().reshape(-1,784).to(device) # [32, 784] advex copy of first batch flattened
        real = real.view(-1, 784).to(device) # [32, 784] # real batch flattened
        labels = # size() [32] 32 labels in batch
        #purturb each image in adv_ex
        tmp_adv_ex = []
        for idx, item in enumerate(adv_ex):
            purturbation = gen(adv_ex[idx])
            tmp_adv_ex.append(adv_ex[idx] + purturbation)
        adv_ex =, dim=0)
        # Train Generator: min log(1 - D(G(z))) <-> max log(D(G(z))
        # also max the CE loss between target-model pred and true labels

        adv_ex = adv_ex.reshape(32, 28*28)
        output = disc(adv_ex) #discriminator decides if advex is real or fake
        lossG = torch.mean(torch.log(1. - output)) #get loss for gen's desired desc pred

        adv_ex = adv_ex.reshape(-1,1,28,28)
        f_pred = target(adv_ex) #.size() = [32, 10]
        f_loss = CE_loss(f_pred, labels) #add loss for gens desired f pred
        loss_G_Final = f_loss+lossG # can change the weight of this loss term later
        loss_G_Final =
        # Train Discriminator: max log(D(x)) + log(1 - D(G(z)))
        adv_ex = adv_ex.reshape(32, 784)
        disc_real = disc(real).view(-1)
        disc_fake = disc(adv_ex).view(-1)
        lossD = -torch.mean(torch.log(disc(real)) + torch.log(1. - disc(adv_ex)))


Hi Ryan!

I haven’t looked at you code in detail, and I’m not sure I understand
the signs of your losses.

Let me say what I think you’re trying to do.

First, when a model is doing “better,” its associated loss is lower.
Pytorch’s optimizers, such a Adam, seek to minimize the loss.

I assume that f_loss is measuring how well your generator, gen,
is generating a “fake” sample with certain desired characteristics.
If a lower value of f_loss means that gen is doing better, then
calling f_loss.backward() and opt_gen.step() will move gen’s
parameters in the direction that improves gen’s performance (as
measured by f_loss).

Now I assume that lossG measures how good your discriminator,
disc, is at telling the “fake” samples generated by gen from real
samples. Smaller values of lossG mean that your discriminator
is working better.

The complexity comes because you want to train disc to do well,
that is to lower lossG. But you want to train gen so that disc
has a hard time distinguishing fake from real, that is to increase

Assuming that disc’s parameters are (temporarily) frozen, you want
to train gen to lower f_loss while increasing lossG. Doing this is as
simple as training gen with (note the minus sign):

loss_G_Final = f_loss - lossG

(You may well choose to weight f_loss and lossG differently to
adjust gen’s trade-off in producing the characteristics measured
by f_loss vs. tricking disc, as measured by lossG.)

One final note: When you train disc to successfully distinguish
fake from real, you will not want to flip the sign of lossG. You
would call:


f_loss doesn’t depend on disc’s parameters (unless your code is
hiding something somewhere), so you neither need nor want to call
f_loss.backward() (nor loss_G_Final.backward()) before calling


K. Frank

Thanks for the response!

Ideally, F_Loss would be a measure of how well a classifier: F performs on the adversarial examples: x +G(x).
I want the generator: G to generate noise such that F_Loss is HIGH. This would indicate that the noise: G(x) when added to the image: x will cause F to make a misclassification.


I also want the generator: G to generate noise: G(x) such that the discriminator: D classifies G(x) + x as a real member of x. ie D(G(x) + x) == 1.

D on the other hand should classify G(x) + x as a fake image ie D(G(x)+x) == 0

The goal of this network is to train G to produce adversarial examples that look like real data, and fool F.

Hi Ryan!

As I understand it, your have three models here: G is gen in the
code you posted above, D is disc, and F, I suppose, is target.

For this part of the training I’ll assume that the parameters of gen
and target are (temporarily) frozen, and that you are training just
the parameters of gen.

You want the model target to misclassify, that is (going back to the
code you posted), f_loss is large. You also want disc to mistake
fake for real, that is, lossG is also large.

Pytorch optimizers seek to minimize the losses they’re given, so you
should simply flip the signs of f_loss and lossG and backpropagate
normally through gen. (Based on your clarification that you want gen
to fool target (as well as disc), you should – unlike what I said in my
first reply – also flip the sign of f_loss.) Thus:

loss_G_Final = - (f_loss + lossG)

(And again, either in separate training steps or in a combined
procedure, you presumably also want to be training disc to do
as well it can on the fake-vs-real task you are giving it, even as
you train gen to keep getting better at tricking disc.)


K. Frank