There is cudnn5.0 lib on my PC, however I got warning:
UserWarning: PyTorch was compiled without cuDNN support. To use cuDNN, rebuild PyTorch making sure the library is visible to the build system.
"PyTorch was compiled without cuDNN support. To use cuDNN, rebuild "
How to build pytorch with cuDNN support?
cudnn.h is in /usr/local/cuda-8.0/include/cudnnv5/ and cudnn.so.5 is in /usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64/cuDNNv5/. The path has been added in system environment variable.
Thanks for your reply. However it does not work, and blow is buidling log
running build_ext
-- Building with NumPy bindings
-- Not using cuDNN
-- Detected CUDA at /usr/local/cuda
-- Building NCCL library
building 'torch._C' extension
Is there any other variable needed to specify CUDNN? I just build the pytorch: python setup.py build
oh, i realized that when you mentioned the paths, for include dir you said it’s cudnnv5 but for lib dir it’s cuDNNv5. The paths are case-sensitive, so check if one of them is the wrong case.