How to change the output shape of a semantic segmentation model?

Context: the input is a 520x520 image of a cell slide, and the output is a heatmap of where the macrophage cell centres are:

This means the input shape is 3x520x520, and the output shape should be 1x520x520.

Problem: I’m trying to use transfer learning with a pretrained semantic segmentation model to get the output from the input. I’m using deeplabv3_resnet50 from torchvision.models.segmentation. However, when I print the model summary with torchinfo.summary(), the input shape is correct (1x3x520x520), but the output shape is something unexpected (either 1x21x520x520 or 1x21x65x65?!)

Layer (type (var_name))                            Input Shape          Output Shape         Trainable
DeepLabV3 (DeepLabV3)                              [1, 3, 520, 520]     [1, 21, 520, 520]    True
├─IntermediateLayerGetter (backbone)               [1, 3, 520, 520]     [1, 2048, 65, 65]    True
│    └─Conv2d (conv1)                              [1, 3, 520, 520]     [1, 64, 260, 260]    True
│    └─BatchNorm2d (bn1)                           [1, 64, 260, 260]    [1, 64, 260, 260]    True
│    └─ReLU (relu)                                 [1, 64, 260, 260]    [1, 64, 260, 260]    --
│    └─MaxPool2d (maxpool)                         [1, 64, 260, 260]    [1, 64, 130, 130]    --
│    └─Sequential (layer1)                         [1, 64, 130, 130]    [1, 256, 130, 130]   True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (0)                         [1, 64, 130, 130]    [1, 256, 130, 130]   True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (1)                         [1, 256, 130, 130]   [1, 256, 130, 130]   True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (2)                         [1, 256, 130, 130]   [1, 256, 130, 130]   True
│    └─Sequential (layer2)                         [1, 256, 130, 130]   [1, 512, 65, 65]     True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (0)                         [1, 256, 130, 130]   [1, 512, 65, 65]     True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (1)                         [1, 512, 65, 65]     [1, 512, 65, 65]     True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (2)                         [1, 512, 65, 65]     [1, 512, 65, 65]     True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (3)                         [1, 512, 65, 65]     [1, 512, 65, 65]     True
│    └─Sequential (layer3)                         [1, 512, 65, 65]     [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (0)                         [1, 512, 65, 65]     [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (1)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (2)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (3)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (4)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (5)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 1024, 65, 65]    True
│    └─Sequential (layer4)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 2048, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (0)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 2048, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (1)                         [1, 2048, 65, 65]    [1, 2048, 65, 65]    True
│    │    └─Bottleneck (2)                         [1, 2048, 65, 65]    [1, 2048, 65, 65]    True
├─DeepLabHead (classifier)                         [1, 2048, 65, 65]    [1, 21, 65, 65]      True
│    └─ASPP (0)                                    [1, 2048, 65, 65]    [1, 256, 65, 65]     True
│    │    └─ModuleList (convs)                     --                   --                   True
│    │    └─Sequential (project)                   [1, 1280, 65, 65]    [1, 256, 65, 65]     True
│    └─Conv2d (1)                                  [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 256, 65, 65]     True
│    └─BatchNorm2d (2)                             [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 256, 65, 65]     True
│    └─ReLU (3)                                    [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 256, 65, 65]     --
│    └─Conv2d (4)                                  [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 21, 65, 65]      True
├─FCNHead (aux_classifier)                         [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 21, 65, 65]      True
│    └─Conv2d (0)                                  [1, 1024, 65, 65]    [1, 256, 65, 65]     True
│    └─BatchNorm2d (1)                             [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 256, 65, 65]     True
│    └─ReLU (2)                                    [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 256, 65, 65]     --
│    └─Dropout (3)                                 [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 256, 65, 65]     --
│    └─Conv2d (4)                                  [1, 256, 65, 65]     [1, 21, 65, 65]      True
Total params: 42,004,074
Trainable params: 42,004,074
Non-trainable params: 0
Total mult-adds (G): 178.72
Input size (MB): 3.24
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 2294.42
Params size (MB): 168.02
Estimated Total Size (MB): 2465.68

Does anyone know why the output shape is turning out like that and how to fix it so that it’s 1x1x520x520?

As explained in the paper the spatial size of the output depends on the output_stride:

Recall that output stride is defined as the ratio of input image spatial resolution to final output resolution. For example, when output stride = 8, the last two blocks (block3 and block4 in our notation) in the original ResNet contains atrous convolution with rate = 2 and rate = 4 respectively.

And it seems the logits were upsampled:

Upsampling logits: In our previous works [ 10 , 11 ], the target groundtruths are downsampled by 8 during training when output stride = 8. We find it important to keep the groundtruths intact and instead upsample the final logits, since downsampling the groundtruths removes the fine annotations resulting in no back-propagation of details.

The 21 output channels should represent 20 classes + (I guess) 1 background class as given in the docs:

These weights were trained on a subset of COCO, using only the 20 categories that are present in the Pascal VOC dataset. Also available as DeepLabV3_ResNet50_Weights.DEFAULT.

Okay, starting to make more sense but I’m still a bit confused - so what should I do if I want the output image to have a shape of 520x520?

And how do I change the number of classes (I tried setting the num_classes parameter in the model to 1 but that gets an error saying that the model expected 21 for that parameter).

You are trying to load pre-trained model weight to it.
Don’t need pre-trained weight
use :
and if it’s necessary, try:

Thanks, I just ended up just removing the last layer and it worked great.