In Numpy, there is a simple way to check which BLAS is being used by
Is there a similar way in PyTorch?
I am experiencing abnormally-slow performance of PyTorch-CPU on a remote server.
And I suspect PyTorch is not using BLAS.
So I am looking for ways to check:
Thanks. Just updated to ‘1.1.0’ and it shows a lot of information.
Question-1: do they literally mean the libs that PyTorch are linked to and will be using in runtime?
Reason for question: I observe >100 times slowdown on a remote server (where I am not an admin) than my person laptop, so I suspect it is not really using the resources it should and need a way to check that.
AttributeError: module 'torch.__config__' has no attribute 'parallel_info'?
Ah my bad, I am using a nightly build. That function was probably added later. You can still check the number of threads using usual posix functionalities.
Thanks all the same! I used torch.get_num_threads() to see # threads being used, and I found that was the cause of abnormal slow-down. When I set it back to OMP_NUM_THREADS=# cores, it came back to normal.
However, I was wondering:
What is the best practice for setting OMP_NUM_THREADS? # physical cores or logical cores? or neither?
Where is the best place to set it? I have two options:
2.1) set env vars OMP_NUM_THREADS when submitting jobs to cluster
2.2) set via torch.set_num_threads()
Not sure which way is better and why. Can you help?
I usually try with different values between those two numbers. But I am not really an expert…
Use torch.set_num_threads. PyTorch uses OMP, MKL, and a native thread pool (as well as TBB maybe). The function takes care of all of them. Not sure if the env flag will set all of them.