How to define a suitable "zero loss"?

For example, how to define a suitable “zero loss” so that it has no effect in net’s backward/step when I have not any box to regress.

if positive_count > 0:
    positive_indexes = (labels != 0).nonzero()[:, 0]
    boxes = boxes[positive_indexes]
    box_target = box_target[positive_indexes]
    box_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(boxes, box_target)
    box_loss = ???

How about

if positive_count > 0:
    positive_indexes = (labels != 0).nonzero()[:, 0]
    boxes = boxes[positive_indexes]
    box_target = box_target[positive_indexes]
    box_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(boxes, box_target)

? You might need to if you are not in a scope and are seeing memory issues, you might need to del things to free up the graph. :slight_smile:

I do not like this… After all, I want to add it to other loss.

Your code didn’t say so. Then just use 0?

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OK, box_loss = Variable(torch.Tensor([0]).type_as(

If you want to add to another loss, you can just use plain python numeric 0.

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There is some code below:


So for the consistent code, I have to use the Variable to wrap 0.