Currently, in a CI of PyTorch forecasting I am getting the error: “RuntimeError: use_libuv was requested but PyTorch was build without libuv support”
So I wonder if there is a way to install PyTorch with libuv support for windows…
return TCPStore( hostname, port, world_size, start_daemon, timeout, multi_tenant=True, > use_libuv=use_libuv )
E RuntimeError: use_libuv was requested but PyTorch was build without libuv support
Link: [MNT] CI matrix extended to `windows-latest` · jdb78/pytorch-forecasting@f50f946 · GitHub
Additional information:
- Unfortunately, I have not really the control to set use_libuv or set the init_method since this is done via a third party library. The only option would be to set the environment variable. Thus, I wonder if there is an easy way to install pytorch with libuv support