How to implement dim parameter of torch.max()?

Hi all, I am trying to implement a variation of torch.max() and confused about the implementation of dim parameter. Here is an example,

inp = torch.arange(0., 24).view(2, 3, 4)
torch.max(inp, dim=1)

values=tensor([[ 8.,  9., 10., 11.],
        [20., 21., 22., 23.]]),
indices=tensor([[2, 2, 2, 2],
        [2, 2, 2, 2]]))

So, the max value within each colored rectangle is returned as in the figure.


Likewise, torch.max(inp, dim=2) returns the max value of each colored rectangle in the below figure,

values=tensor([[ 3.,  7., 11.],
        [15., 19., 23.]]),
indices=tensor([[3, 3, 3],
        [3, 3, 3]]))


My question is how can I reshape the input as done with the torch.max() in order to use dim parameter in my custom max implementation ? I’ve experimented view with different values but it didn’t work so far.

What is your custom max operation doing differently and what is not working at the moment?

The custom max should return the indices of all maximum values instead of the first one being encountered as in torch.max. I want to add dim as a parameter to my custom max, like in torch.max. But I don’t know how to implement the dimension reduction effect controlled by dim.

Documentation of torch.max states as below but the input is not in the shape of (Ax1xB), so using torch.squeeze does not yield to reduced dimensions.

Otherwise, dim is squeezed (see torch.squeeze()), resulting in the output tensors having 1 fewer dimension than input

If you want to return more than a single max value, you could try to use e.g. topk instead of max or sort the tensor and grab the values manually.

The documentation of topk says it returns the k largest elements but I only need the max values and don’t know how many of them will be there.

I tried using max but it results in only the first max value having the gradient, it’s not shared among the max values. Here is an example,

inp = torch.tensor([[ 6.,  2,  3,  6],
                    [ 9, 16, 16, 16]], requires_grad=True)
outp, inds = torch.max(inp, dim=-1)
print('outp:\n', outp)
print('inp.grad:\n', inp.grad)

 tensor([ 6., 16.], grad_fn=<MaxBackward0>)
 tensor([[1., 0., 0., 0.],
        [0., 1., 0., 0.]])

I expect the gradient to be like below,

 tensor([[0.5, 0., 0., 0.5],
        [0., 0.333, 0.333, 0.333]])

So, I think I have to implement a custom max but I don’t know how to reshape the input (or squeeze it) controlled by the dim parameter in torch.max.

Thanks for the follow-up as I misunderstood your use case.
Based on your description it seems that the returned values would have a variable shape. E.g. one window could have the same max values, while another one a single one.
If that’s the case I think you would have to return a list of these values e.g. by getting the max value via torch.max and checking if duplicates can be found in the current window.

I’m not sure how you would like to further process the result list, as you wouldn’t be able to create a single return tensor (with nested tensors this might be possible).

Thank you for bearing with me, this post will be a bit long. The returned values by max don’t need to be variable in shape since they keep the max value and there is only one (maybe repeating) max within the window, but the returned indices will be variable in shape. An example is at the MultiMax part.

I’ve implemented the custom max (named MultiMax) as a custom autograd function and the max pooling (named MultiMaxPool2d) layer using it. As I asked in this thread, I don’t know how to implement the dim parameter of torch.max for my MultiMax. So, MultiMax takes a 1d tensor and is called within the for loop of MultiMaxPool2d layer. I’ve just learned this approach might be problematic since in-place operations should be avoided in PyTorch.

My question is, what should be the proper approach instead of using the in-place operations for creating the pooled output ? I obviously need to select max values from the input and assign them to their new positions in the pooled output. I’ve added the source code and examples.

Here is my custom max operation MultiMax,

import torch

class MultiMax(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, input):
        mmax = torch.max(input)
        inds = torch.nonzero(mmax == input).squeeze() # Get max inds
        ctx.save_for_backward(input, mmax, inds)
        return mmax, inds
    def backward(ctx, grad_output, for_inds):
        input, mmax, inds = ctx.saved_tensors
        inds_shape = 1 if inds.dim() == 0 else inds.shape[0]
        grad_input = torch.ones(input.shape[0]) * grad_output
        grad_input /= inds_shape  # Grad is shared among max values. 
        grad_input[input < mmax] = 0
        return grad_input, None

An example using MultiMax,

inp = torch.tensor([6., 2, 5, 6], requires_grad=True)
mmax = MultiMax.apply
pooled, inds = mmax(inp)
print('pooled:\n', pooled)
print('inds:\n', inds)
print('inp grads:\n', inp.grad)

  tensor(6., grad_fn=<MultiMaxBackward>)
  tensor([0, 3])
inp grads:
  tensor([0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5000])

Here is the implementation of custom max pooling MultiMaxPool2d using MultiMax (adapted from here),

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair, _quadruple
from MultiMax import MultiMax

class MultiMaxPool2d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride, padding=0, same=False):
        super(MultiMaxPool2d, self).__init__()
        self.k = kernel_size if type(kernel_size) is tuple else _pair(kernel_size)
        self.stride = stride if type(stride) is tuple else _pair(stride)
        self.padding = padding if type(padding) is tuple else _quadruple(padding)
        self.same = same
    def _init_pool_inds(self, s):
        pool = torch.zeros(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3])
        inds = []
        for x in range(0, s[0]):
            for y in range(0, s[1]):
                for z in range(0, s[2]):
                    for t in range(0, s[3]):
        return pool, inds
    def _padding(self, x):
        if self.same:
            ih, iw = x.size()[2:]
            if ih % self.stride[0] == 0:
                ph = max(self.k[0] - self.stride[0], 0)
                ph = max(self.k[0] - (ih % self.stride[0]), 0)
            if iw % self.stride[1] == 0:
                pw = max(self.k[1] - self.stride[1], 0)
                pw = max(self.k[1] - (iw % self.stride[1]), 0)
            pl = pw // 2
            pr = pw - pl
            pt = ph // 2
            pb = ph - pt
            padding = (pl, pr, pt, pb)
            padding = self.padding
        return padding
    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.pad(x, self._padding(x), mode='reflect')
        x = x.unfold(2, self.k[0], self.stride[0]).unfold(3, self.k[1], self.stride[1])
        x = x.contiguous().view(x.size()[:4] + (-1,))
        mmax = MultiMax.apply
        s = x.shape[:4]
        pool, inds = self._init_pool_inds(s)
        for i in range(0, s[0]):
            for j in range(0, s[1]):
                for k in range(0, s[2]):
                    for l in range(0, s[3]):
                        _max, _is = mmax(x[i][j][k][l])
                        pool[i][j][k][l] = _max
                        inds[i][j][k][l] = _is
        return pool, inds

An example using MultiMaxPool2d,

inp = torch.tensor([[[[ 6.,  2,  3,  9],
                      [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
                      [ 9, 10, 11, 16],
                      [14, 14, 16, 16]]]], requires_grad=True)

mp = MultiMaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
pooled, inds = mp(inp)
print('pooled:\n', pooled)
print('inds:\n', inds)
print('inp grads:\n', inp.grad)

 tensor([[[[ 6.,  9.],
          [14., 16.]]]], grad_fn=<CopySlices>)
 [[[[tensor([0, 3]), tensor(1)], [tensor([2, 3]), tensor([1, 2, 3])]]]]

inp grads:
 tensor([[[[0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000],
          [0.0000, 0.5000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
          [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.3333],
          [0.5000, 0.5000, 0.3333, 0.3333]]]])

The gradients are calculated as I expected in both of the operations but I also implemented an unpooling layer which I believe also suffers from in-place operations and the gradients are not calculated as I expected.

@ptrblck I still don’t know how to implement the dimension reduction for my custom max operation as controlled by the dim parameter of torch.max but this reply made it clear that if the code runs without errors, then autograd handles the in-place operations.