How to load latent dimension of auto-encoder data in data loader

I created a function that takes input as a “list” and converts it into a “dataloader” input.

def load_data(list_):
    if len(list_[0])==2:
        img, lab = [], []
        for i in list_:
            img.append(i[0]), lab.append(i[1])
        xs = torch.stack(img)
        xs = xs.squeeze(1)
        ys = torch.Tensor(lab)
        dataset = TensorDataset(xs, ys)
        del img, lab
    elif len(list_[0])==3:
        img, lab, flag = [], [], []
        for i in list_:
            img.append(i[0]), lab.append(i[1]), flag.append(i[2])
        xs = torch.stack(img)
        xs = xs.squeeze(1)
        ys = torch.Tensor(lab)
        flag = torch.Tensor(flag)
        dataset = TensorDataset(xs, ys, flag)
        del img, lab, flag
    return dataset

dataset = load_data(list_) # Coverting the list into dataset
train_data, val_data =, [int(0.90*len(dataset)), int(0.10*len(dataset)+1)] )
train_loader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)
val_loader = DataLoader(val_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True)

The error I am getting is because of different sizes which I don’t understand correctly.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 242, in <module>
    dataset = load_data(list_) # Coverting the list into dataset
  File "", line 26, in load_data
    xs = torch.stack(img)
RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0. Got 64 and 28 in dimension 1 at ../aten/src/TH/generic/THTensor.cpp:689

The data I dump as a list from the latent dimension of an autoencoder is of the shape - [Batch-size, 256, 2, 2]

Error is happening here, which means imgs that you are stacking do not have same shape. Based on error, for some images, you have 64 and another 28 for height.


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