How to load the best weights of yolov6 after training?

import torch
from ultralytics import YOLO
from yolov6.models.yolo import build_model

device = torch.device(‘cuda’ if torch.cuda.is_available() else ‘cpu’)

model_path = ‘’

model = build_model(cfg=‘/path/yolov6n.yaml’, num_classes=1, device=device, fuse_ab=False, distill_ns=False)



I am performing object detection and I have trained my dataset on yolov6. Now, I want to use the best weights learned during training to perform another task but I am facing difficulty in loading these weights. Can you help me find the correct way to do this?

Could you describe what kind of errors you are seeing while trying to load the weights?
A minimal example of saving and loading the parameters and buffers would be:

sd = model.state_dict(), "")
sd = torch.load("")
model = MyModel()