How to Parallelize Image Loading for Multiple 4K Images in __getitem__?


I’m working on a dataset class in PyTorch where I need to load several 4K images in the __getitem__ method. Each time, I load 7 images, including a ground truth image (GT). Currently, I’m using the following approach:

def __getitem__(self, index):
    imgs = self.files[index]

    # Synchronously loading images one by one
    imgs = [ for img in imgs["files"]]

    # Transform images to tensors
    images = torch.stack(self.to_tensor(self.dataset_config.tfms(imgs)))

However, loading these images, especially at 4K resolution, is quite slow and is significantly bottlenecking my training pipeline.

Additionally, the to_tensor function I’m using for transformations also seems to be slow, which further impacts performance.

self.to_tensor: Callable[..., torch.Tensor] = TF.Compose(
                TF.ToDtype(torch.float32, scale=True),

Transformations I’m applying:

  • RandomShortestSize
  • RandomCrop
  • RandomHorizontalFlip
  • RandomVerticalFlip

I’ve considered using asyncio to fetch images in parallel, but seems to be slower (?).

My question:

  • How can I efficiently parallelize the loading of multiple images (7 images per sample) in PyTorch’s __getitem__?
  • I’m open to using threading, multiprocessing, or any other solution that can speed up.
  • Also the function to_tensor seems to be slow

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Im guessing you have your imgs in a .jpg or.png format (if not just skip this)
Than you could use PIL to load the imgs and transforms.Compose ([*args]) to turn them to tensors and apply any tranformation you need. (This is basically what you already seem to do but I put this here as your to_tensor method might be different)

For faster / parallel loading you can use torchs dataLoader with pin_memory=True and num_workers=whatever works.
Note that the memory required is very large especially with your resolution.
E.g dataloader =DataLoader (your_custom_dataset,batch_size =7,num_workers= x,pin_memory=True,prefetch_factor=y,persistent_workers=True)

Also if possible you could resize the images to a smaller res but given your emphasis on the img size Im guessing that isnt an option.

Maybe you could also experiment with turning the data to tensors beforehand and saving the tensor dataset. This would ensure you’d only turn every img to tensors once.

Edit: I’m guessing you set device to ‘cuda’ already