How to reverse shuffle process by pytorch

If I have a tensor A [1,5,3], then I perform shuffle operation, like torch.randperm(len(A)) and get shuffled index [2,1,0]. Then I shuffle A according to shuffled index, the resulted tensor is [3, 5, 1]. but how can I get original tensor ([1,5,3])? Is there any reverse shuffle function of pytorch? I know I can assign elements according to shuffled index, but it’s very slow. Can anybody help me? Thank you very much!!!

If I understand your use case correctly, this should work:

a = torch.randn(7)
> tensor([ 1.1022, -0.3638, -0.4358,  0.2048,  1.3897, -2.2341, -0.3528])

idx = torch.randperm(a.size(0))
> tensor([5, 6, 0, 2, 4, 3, 1])

b = a[idx]
> tensor([-2.2341, -0.3528,  1.1022, -0.4358,  1.3897,  0.2048, -0.3638])

c = torch.zeros_like(a)
c[idx] = b
> tensor([ 1.1022, -0.3638, -0.4358,  0.2048,  1.3897, -2.2341, -0.3528])

print((c == a).all())
> tensor(True)

Yes, thank you very much!!! :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: