How to run my pytorch fork on jupyter notebook

I wanted to contribute to pytorch and have forked pytorch and made some changes regarding issue and commited to my forked pytorch,

Now I wanted to check the features I added by using my fork as torch, I tried the following steps
==>!git clone --recursive GitHub - bibhabasumohapatra/pytorch: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
==>cd pytorch
==>!git submodule sync
==>!git submodule update --init --recursive --jobs 0
==> !python install
but I don’t know how to continue…after that

can anybody guide me how to test my forked version (on colab would be better)?

After you’ve built the local branch of your PR the current pip/conda environment would use this source build and you could execute the corresponding tests or test the PR in any other way.
I would probably not work in a Jupyter notebook to build PyTorch or what is the reason to trigger the build through the notebook?

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