How to select values by indexes and copy horizontally?

I would like select the values from 3rd dimension based on indexes and copy the values along fourth dimension of output. Given X as input as 3d tensor i.e. N,C,H and output should be N,C,H,M.
Below example is has N=1, C=1 and H=9. x is input tensor with indexes of size (9,4) i.e. for first row select values from indexes 1 and 3 (ignoring negative values).

x = [ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]
indexes =[ [1,  3, -1, -1],
         [ 0,  2,  4, -1],
         [ 1,  5, -1, -1],
         [ 0,  4,  6, -1],
         [ 1,  3,  5,  7],
         [ 2,  4,  8, -1],
         [ 3,  7, -1, -1],
         [ 4,  6,  8, -1],
         [ 5,  7, -1, -1]]

Out = [[ 2, 4, 0, 0],
         [ 1,  3, 5, 0],
         [ 2,  6, 0, 0],
         [ 1,  5, 7, 0],
         [ 2,  4, 6, 8],
         [ 3,  5, 9, 0],
         [ 4,  8, 0, 0],
         [ 5,  7, 9, 0],
         [ 6, 8 , 0, 0]]
