How to separate Variable and flow them individually using a same module

Say I have computed conv5 feature(say 512x14x14) of VGG16 in a m-class classification problem, and I want to fuse this feature with m different weighting maps for m classes, after this I have m 512x14x14 different features. This is followed by another convolution module which takes a 512x14x14 feature as input and outputs a 1x14x14 map, I want to feed the m 512x14x14 features separately to this one convolution module and get m 1x14x14 maps. Then I feed the m maps to a pooling layer to get m scores for m classes for softmax loss. I tried to do this with a for loop in forward function, but it seems:

  1. the gradient can not go backward
  2. This error appears ‘RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph second time, but the buffers have already been freed.’

How should I do this correctly in Pytorch? Please leave your advice or any hints.

About question 2. I’ve checked this tutorial about weight sharing. It seems he used the same module multiple times sequentially while I used the same convolution module in parallel, and I got the error, I can’t figure out why?

Here is my code(the code contains more details, I’ll explain them in comments):

def __init__(self, bn=False, gpuID=0):
    super(WSDR, self).__init__()
    self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(3, 64, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(64, 64, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(64, 128, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(128, 128, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(128, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(256, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(256, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv4 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(256, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv5 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn))

    # this is the convolution module following the fused m conv5 features
    self.feature_gap = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(512, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(256, 128, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(128, 64, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(64, 1, 3, pd=True, bn=bn))
    # this is a module directly following conv5 feature to get one 14x14 map for all m classes
    self.feature_box = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(512, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                       ConvReLU(256, 128, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                       ConvReLU(128, 64, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                       ConvReLU(64, 1, 3, pd=True, bn=bn)) = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=14, stride=14) # pooling layer = nn.Sigmoid() # used for generating weights 

    self.gpuID = gpuID

def forward(self, im_data, pre_maps):
    im_data: input image
    pre_maps: batchsize x m x 14 x 14, this is the weights for fusing m features
    x = self.conv1(im_data)
    x = self.conv2(x)
    x = self.conv3(x)
    x = self.conv4(x)
    conv5 = self.conv5(x)

    batch_sz, ch, sp_sz,_ =
    cls_features = cls_scores = None
    box_forwad = self.feature_box(conv5)
    pre_maps = torch.chunk(pre_maps, 20, 1)
    for cls_idx in range(self.num_classes): # m classes
        pre_map = pre_maps[cls_idx]
        # compute weight for current class
        box_feature = torch.add(pre_map, box_forwad)
        # fuse weight and conv5 feature for current class
        masked_feature = torch.mul(weight.expand(batch_sz, ch, sp_sz, sp_sz), conv5)
        # add fused feature and conv5 feature
        enhanced_feature = torch.add(masked_feature, conv5)

        # feed the combined feature of current class to the convolution module
        cls_feature = self.feature_gap(enhanced_feature)
        # record current class feature to 'cls_features' which contains 1x14x14 for all classes
        cls_features = cls_feature if cls_idx == 0 \
                        else, cls_feature), 1)

        # record score for current class
        cls_score =[0], -1)
        cls_scores = cls_score if cls_idx == 0 \
                        else, cls_score), 1)

    return cls_scores, cls_features # cls_scores for softmax, cls_features used as weights for next call of forward
                                                      # function('pre_maps'), like RNN

# loss code
output, hidden_maps = model(input_var, hidden_maps)
loss = F.multilabel_soft_margin_loss(output, target_var)

if you want gradients to flow through the pre_maps all the way backward, use loss.backward(retain_graph=True).

However, i suspect you will run out of memory and you dont need gradients to flow through pre_maps / hidden_maps. In that case do:

output, hidden_maps = model(input_var, hidden_maps)
hidden_maps = Variable(
loss = F.multilabel_soft_margin_loss(output, target_var)

Thanks for reply! I use torch.detach() to cut the graph every iteration, and I think that do the same thing as your suggestion. My implementation of the RNN part wasn’t practical, I’ll unrolling it to finite steps like RCNN later.
However, about question 1. I find that the gradient can actually go backward. if I add a fc layer after the gap layer, then the gradient looks normal, and the loss can be reduced. But if not, the out put scores of gap layer become all zeros, thus all the weights.grad in the network before gap layer become zero very soon(about 3 or 4 iteration, batch size 64), and the loss stuck in one value(0.6931, every time I try, always this exactly one value, loss begin at about 0.70). I know this is not a question about PyTorch, but I’m really lost on this, why the features become zero? Why adding a fc layer can solve this problem?

Here is the simplified code, I remove the RNN part and the for loop part, and the situation is the same:

def __init__(self, bn=False):
    super(WSDR, self).__init__()
    # Network based on VGG16
    self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(3, 64, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(64, 64, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(64, 128, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(128, 128, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(128, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(256, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(256, 256, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv4 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(256, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
    self.conv5 = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                               ConvReLU(512, 512, 3, pd=True, bn=bn)) = nn.Sequential(ConvReLU(512, 1024, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                             ConvReLU(1024, 20, 3, pd=True, bn=bn),
                             nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=14, stride=14))
    # adding this fc layer, things go right
    # self.fc = nn.Linear(self.num_classes, self.num_classes)

def forward(self, im_data):
    x = self.conv1(im_data)
    x = self.conv2(x)
    x = self.conv3(x)
    x = self.conv4(x)
    conv5features = self.conv5(x)
    gap =
    scores = gap.squeeze()
    # scores = self.fc(scores)
    return scores