How to set parameter list for optimizer for a set of linked sub-networks

I am trying to code faster-rcnn from scratch in pytorch. The diagram and code show my construction.
How can I input the parameter list from both ‘featureNet and rpnNet’ for my optimizer?
Is this correct?

params = list(feature_net.parameters()) + list(rpn_net.parameters())
optimizer = optim.SGD(params, lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005)   

def run_train():

    channel = 3
    height, width = 512, 512 #largest size
    num_features = 16

    feature_net = featureNet((channel, height, width), num_features)
    rpn_net     = RpnNet(num_features, num_bases)

    #learning hyper parameters

    params = list(feature_net.parameters()) + list(rpn_net.parameters())
    optimizer = optim.SGD(params, lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005)   

    #training --------------------------------------------

    for it in range(num_iter):
        x, annotation = get_train_data()

        # forward
        f = feature_net(x)
        rpn_s,rpn_db = rpn_net(f)

        # backward
        rpn_label, rpn_bbox_target = rpn_target_layer(annotation) #generate ground truth

        rpn_loss_score = F.cross_entropy (rpn_s,  rpn_label)
        rpn_loss_dbox  = F.smooth_l1_loss(rpn_db, rpn_bbox_target)
        loss = rpn_loss_label + rpn_loss_box

        # update

        # print and show results
        # ...

my code seems to work.
also see: Giving multiple parameters in optimizer

In your case, the simplest would be to use nn.Sequential():

net = nn.Sequential(feature_net, rpn_net)
optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.01, ...)

Then in your loop, for the forward pass, just do:

# forward
rpn_s,rpn_db = net(x)

in later part of the development, there will be multi-branches. Hence it will not be sequential.