How to split a tensor based on a list, then get the average along dim=0?


Suppose there is a tensor with shape of [M,N,F], and a list of segement size (the sum is M, the length is K). After splitting the tensor into a K-length tuple T, is there a way to get the average of each tensor in the tuple T along dim=0 without using a loop? Since the size of dim=0 for each tensor [K_i, N, F] is different, I could not stack it or apply torch.mean() directly.


You can get the tuple by using torch.split, and then define a function:
f = lambda x : torch.mean(x, dim=0), which you can use on your tuple T as
list(map(f,T)), to get the output that you want.

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Thanks, one more question regarding the lamba and map function. Will it slow down the tensor operation, compared to the case that each chunk has the same size of dim=0 so the tensor can be reshaped and get the mean?

I am afraid, I can’t answer that, besides not understanding your question (what’s being reshaped to what?), I also don’t know much about bench-marking.

However, I did a quick test (please see below) after reading List comprehension vs map and indeed, for this case too, having a loop and using list comprehension is faster than using lambda expression and map.

import torch
import timeit
import numpy as np


M, N, F, K = 50, 30, 30, 10
N = 100

t0 = torch.randint(0,N,(M,N,F), dtype=torch.float)
split = list(np.random.multinomial(M, np.ones(K)/K, size=1)[0])
split_stab = list((np.ones(K)*(M/K)).astype(int))

def list_comp():
    return [torch.mean(t, dim=0) for t in torch.split(t0,split)]

def map_lambda():
    return list(map(lambda x : torch.mean(x, dim=0), torch.split(t0,split)))

def list_comp_stab():
    return [torch.mean(t, dim=0) for t in torch.split(t0,split_stab)]

def map_lambda_stab():
    return list(map(lambda x : torch.mean(x, dim=0), torch.split(t0,split_stab)))

number = 10**4

print(timeit.timeit("list_comp()", globals=locals(), number=number))
print(timeit.timeit("map_lambda()", globals=locals(), number=number))
print(timeit.timeit("list_comp_stab()", globals=locals(), number=number))
print(timeit.timeit("map_lambda_stab()", globals=locals(), number=number))
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