How to use the cuDNN implementation of CTC Loss?


I am using Pytorch CTC loss function with Pytorch 1.2. I get a high accuracy after training the model using the native CTC loss implementation and the cuDNN deterministic flag set to False. However, the model accuracy is much poor when training using the native CTC loss implementation and the deterministic flag set to True. I read in a separate post that the cuDNN CTC loss implementation works better with the deterministic flag set to True. But I am unable to figure out how to force Pytorch CTC loss function to use the cuDNN implementation instead of the native implementation. I have also kept the torch.backends.cudnn.enabled flag as True.

Can someone please help me out?


Could you post a link to the post, where it’s described why the cudnn implementation should perform better than the native one?

Thanks for the prompt reply.

The link to the comment -

I don’t have the issues listed in the comment but since the user claims to have got better performance with cuDNN CTC loss when the deterministic flag is set to True, I wanted to just give it a try.

Thanks for the link.
cudnn is enabled by default, so as long as you don’t disable it it should be used.
You could use the autograd.profiler on the ctcloss call to check the kernel names to verify that the cudnn implementation is used.

I am trying to use the cuDNN implementation of CTCLoss. The docs note that you need to meet several conditions, I found them a bit unclear to someone less experienced so I’ll list them and elaborate on what I took them to mean.

  • targets must be in concatenated format (This means concatenated together as a 1D tensor with shape (sum(target_lengths)) as opposed to a 2D tensor with shape (N, S) where N is batch_size and S is the max target length (other targets are padded up to this length)
  • all input_lengths must be T (question about this below)
  • The blank token must be 0
  • target_lengths <= 256 (target_lengths is not a scalar but a rank-1 tensor with the length of each target in the batch. I assume this means no target can have length > 256)
  • the integer arguments must be of dtype torch.int32 and not torch.long (integer arguments include targets, input_lengths and target_lengths. If you’re creating them with torch.tensor, pass dtype=torch.int32 as an argument.


  1. For the condition “all input_lengths must be T”, this means instead of passing the true input lengths, we just pass the length of the longest input. Doesn’t this make it impossible for CTCLoss to do masking? I changed my input_lengths from their true lengths to the length of the longest input in the batch (i.e. changed from [124, 92, 131, 118] to [131, 131, 131, 131) and my training suffered. Blue is using true input length, orange is using max input length.
  2. How does CTCLoss choose whether to use the cuDNN implementation? nn.CTCLoss calls F.ctc_loss which calls torch.ctc_loss which is implemented in C++. I’m not sure where _use_cudnn_ctc_loss resides or what it does (I don’t know any C++)
Tensor ctc_loss(const Tensor& log_probs, const Tensor& targets, IntArrayRef input_lengths, IntArrayRef target_lengths, int64_t BLANK, int64_t reduction, bool zero_infinity) {
  bool use_cudnn =
      (log_probs.device().type() == at::kCUDA) &&
          log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, BLANK);
  1. The docs say enabling cudnn (by setting torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark=True) is generally only faster in cases where input sizes don’t vary. In applications where we will use CTCLoss, they usually will vary. Why is it that the CTCLoss docs suggest cudnn as a good idea? What am I missing?

Thank you. Once I get cuDNN working I will report back with timing data to share how much of a speedup I was able to get.

I wasn’t quite sure how to do this but believe I figured it out. I wrapped my ctcloss call as follows

with torch.autograd.profiler.profile(use_cuda=True) as prof:
    self.loss(output.transpose(0, 1), labels, input_lengths, label_lengths)

I also tried with use_cuda=False. Here are results from a single batch but I have no clue what to make of them.


-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------  
Name                     Self CPU total %  Self CPU total   CPU total %      CPU total        CPU time avg     CUDA total %     CUDA total       CUDA time avg    Number of Calls  Input Shapes                                   
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------  
transpose                2.49%            89.784us         2.65%            95.700us         95.700us         1.02%            95.296us         95.296us         1                []                                             
as_strided               0.16%            5.916us          0.16%            5.916us          5.916us          0.07%            6.112us          6.112us          1                []                                             
ctc_loss                 5.55%            200.390us        97.35%           3.515ms          3.515ms          37.75%           3.513ms          3.513ms          1                []                                             
to                       2.93%            105.918us        4.25%            153.553us        153.553us        1.65%            153.888us        153.888us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.46%            16.663us         0.46%            16.663us         16.663us         0.17%            15.680us         15.680us         1                []                                             
copy_                    0.86%            30.972us         0.86%            30.972us         30.972us         0.31%            29.216us         29.216us         1                []                                             
contiguous               0.16%            5.751us          0.16%            5.751us          5.751us          0.05%            4.768us          4.768us          1                []                                             
to                       0.37%            13.377us         6.48%            234.179us        234.179us        2.50%            232.512us        232.512us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.43%            15.453us         0.43%            15.453us         15.453us         0.17%            15.552us         15.552us         1                []                                             
copy_                    2.64%            95.483us         5.69%            205.349us        205.349us        2.19%            204.032us        204.032us        1                []                                             
empty_like               0.30%            10.769us         0.44%            15.732us         15.732us         0.16%            15.200us         15.200us         1                []                                             
empty                    0.14%            4.963us          0.14%            4.963us          4.963us          0.04%            3.456us          3.456us          1                []                                             
expand_as                0.58%            20.971us         1.02%            36.836us         36.836us         0.39%            35.968us         35.968us         1                []                                             
expand                   0.29%            10.626us         0.44%            15.865us         15.865us         0.16%            15.072us         15.072us         1                []                                             
as_strided               0.15%            5.239us          0.15%            5.239us          5.239us          0.06%            5.312us          5.312us          1                []                                             
contiguous               0.13%            4.626us          0.13%            4.626us          4.626us          0.05%            4.512us          4.512us          1                []                                             
copy_                    1.23%            44.279us         1.23%            44.279us         44.279us         0.47%            43.904us         43.904us         1                []                                             
copy_                    0.23%            8.393us          0.23%            8.393us          8.393us          0.09%            8.352us          8.352us          1                []                                             
contiguous               0.12%            4.220us          0.12%            4.220us          4.220us          0.04%            3.456us          3.456us          1                []                                             
_use_cudnn_ctc_loss      0.37%            13.473us         0.37%            13.473us         13.473us         0.15%            13.824us         13.824us         1                []                                             
to                       0.37%            13.196us         12.79%           461.702us        461.702us        4.98%            463.168us        463.168us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.62%            22.558us         0.62%            22.558us         22.558us         0.24%            22.560us         22.560us         1                []                                             
copy_                    11.80%           425.948us        11.80%           425.948us        425.948us        4.58%            426.592us        426.592us        1                []                                             
_ctc_loss                47.07%           1.700ms          54.50%           1.968ms          1.968ms          21.17%           1.970ms          1.970ms          1                []                                             
size                     0.13%            4.733us          0.13%            4.733us          4.733us          0.03%            3.200us          3.200us          1                []                                             
size                     0.23%            8.483us          0.23%            8.483us          8.483us          0.07%            6.912us          6.912us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.10%            3.616us          0.10%            3.616us          3.616us          0.04%            3.616us          3.616us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.09%            3.200us          0.09%            3.200us          3.200us          0.04%            3.904us          3.904us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.22%            7.967us          0.22%            7.967us          7.967us          0.08%            7.872us          7.872us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.09%            3.423us          0.09%            3.423us          3.423us          0.03%            3.168us          3.168us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.08%            2.815us          0.08%            2.815us          2.815us          0.03%            3.200us          3.200us          1                []                                             
size                     0.08%            2.947us          0.08%            2.947us          2.947us          0.03%            3.168us          3.168us          1                []                                             
size                     0.09%            3.168us          0.09%            3.168us          3.168us          0.05%            4.512us          4.512us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.13%            4.610us          0.13%            4.610us          4.610us          0.05%            4.320us          4.320us          1                []                                             
to                       0.46%            16.559us         1.82%            65.733us         65.733us         0.71%            65.664us         65.664us         1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.36%            12.881us         0.36%            12.881us         12.881us         0.14%            12.800us         12.800us         1                []                                             
copy_                    1.01%            36.293us         1.01%            36.293us         36.293us         0.39%            36.320us         36.320us         1                []                                             
empty                    0.14%            5.146us          0.14%            5.146us          5.146us          0.06%            5.184us          5.184us          1                []                                             
to                       0.38%            13.650us         1.23%            44.452us         44.452us         0.48%            44.544us         44.544us         1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.24%            8.675us          0.24%            8.675us          8.675us          0.09%            8.672us          8.672us          1                []                                             
copy_                    0.61%            22.127us         0.61%            22.127us         22.127us         0.24%            22.496us         22.496us         1                []                                             
to                       0.33%            11.906us         1.07%            38.530us         38.530us         10.73%           998.720us        998.720us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.22%            7.977us          0.22%            7.977us          7.977us          0.08%            7.680us          7.680us          1                []                                             
copy_                    0.52%            18.647us         0.52%            18.647us         18.647us         0.20%            18.720us         18.720us         1                []                                             
size                     0.16%            5.871us          0.16%            5.871us          5.871us          0.05%            5.024us          5.024us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.35%            12.695us         0.35%            12.695us         12.695us         0.13%            12.128us         12.128us         1                []                                             
empty                    0.37%            13.249us         0.37%            13.249us         13.249us         0.10%            9.248us          9.248us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.44%            15.907us         0.44%            15.907us         15.907us         0.17%            15.840us         15.840us         1                []                                             
stride                   0.11%            3.807us          0.11%            3.807us          3.807us          0.03%            3.168us          3.168us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.08%            3.006us          0.08%            3.006us          3.006us          0.24%            22.208us         22.208us         1                []                                             
stride                   0.15%            5.355us          0.15%            5.355us          5.355us          0.06%            5.536us          5.536us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.08%            3.025us          0.08%            3.025us          3.025us          0.03%            3.200us          3.200us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.09%            3.165us          0.09%            3.165us          3.165us          0.04%            3.424us          3.424us          1                []                                             
size                     0.10%            3.659us          0.10%            3.659us          3.659us          0.04%            3.712us          3.712us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.91%            32.938us         0.91%            32.938us         32.938us         0.34%            31.584us         31.584us         1                []                                             
to                       0.89%            32.273us         2.89%            104.484us        104.484us        1.13%            104.736us        104.736us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.86%            30.962us         0.86%            30.962us         30.962us         0.33%            30.656us         30.656us         1                []                                             
copy_                    1.14%            41.249us         1.14%            41.249us         41.249us         0.45%            42.240us         42.240us         1                []                                             
clamp_min                0.79%            28.355us         2.91%            105.264us        105.264us        1.12%            104.032us        104.032us        1                []                                             
empty                    0.17%            6.280us          0.17%            6.280us          6.280us          0.07%            6.336us          6.336us          1                []                                             
clamp_min_out            1.58%            57.135us         1.96%            70.629us         70.629us         0.77%            71.872us         71.872us         1                []                                             
is_complex               0.14%            5.133us          0.14%            5.133us          5.133us          0.05%            4.864us          4.864us          1                []                                             
resize_                  0.23%            8.361us          0.23%            8.361us          8.361us          0.08%            7.712us          7.712us          1                []                                             
div                      2.89%            104.223us        3.06%            110.646us        110.646us        1.19%            110.272us        110.272us        1                []                                             
empty                    0.18%            6.423us          0.18%            6.423us          6.423us          0.06%            5.120us          5.120us          1                []                                             
mean                     2.63%            95.114us         3.34%            120.721us        120.721us        1.30%            120.896us        120.896us        1                []                                             
empty                    0.21%            7.698us          0.21%            7.698us          7.698us          0.07%            6.208us          6.208us          1                []                                             
as_strided               0.50%            17.909us         0.50%            17.909us         17.909us         0.10%            9.504us          9.504us          1                []                                             
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------  
Self CPU time total: 3.611ms
CUDA time total: 9.305ms


-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------  
Name                     Self CPU total %  Self CPU total   CPU total %      CPU total        CPU time avg     Number of Calls  Input Shapes                                   
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------  
transpose                2.69%            71.228us         2.83%            74.813us         74.813us         1                []                                             
as_strided               0.14%            3.585us          0.14%            3.585us          3.585us          1                []                                             
ctc_loss                 7.54%            199.357us        97.17%           2.569ms          2.569ms          1                []                                             
to                       0.83%            21.988us         1.82%            48.160us         48.160us         1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.34%            8.955us          0.34%            8.955us          8.955us          1                []                                             
copy_                    0.65%            17.217us         0.65%            17.217us         17.217us         1                []                                             
contiguous               0.06%            1.582us          0.06%            1.582us          1.582us          1                []                                             
to                       0.13%            3.550us          4.72%            124.691us        124.691us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.15%            3.899us          0.15%            3.899us          3.899us          1                []                                             
copy_                    1.30%            34.434us         4.43%            117.242us        117.242us        1                []                                             
empty_like               0.22%            5.833us          0.29%            7.693us          7.693us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.07%            1.860us          0.07%            1.860us          1.860us          1                []                                             
expand_as                0.43%            11.263us         0.67%            17.590us         17.590us         1                []                                             
expand                   0.16%            4.158us          0.24%            6.327us          6.327us          1                []                                             
as_strided               0.08%            2.169us          0.08%            2.169us          2.169us          1                []                                             
contiguous               0.11%            2.921us          0.11%            2.921us          2.921us          1                []                                             
copy_                    1.88%            49.606us         1.88%            49.606us         49.606us         1                []                                             
copy_                    0.19%            4.998us          0.19%            4.998us          4.998us          1                []                                             
contiguous               0.04%            1.070us          0.04%            1.070us          1.070us          1                []                                             
_use_cudnn_ctc_loss      0.28%            7.475us          0.28%            7.475us          7.475us          1                []                                             
to                       0.23%            6.097us          9.79%            258.968us        258.968us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.58%            15.438us         0.58%            15.438us         15.438us         1                []                                             
copy_                    8.98%            237.433us        8.98%            237.433us        237.433us        1                []                                             
_ctc_loss                8.69%            229.677us        14.88%           393.415us        393.415us        1                []                                             
size                     0.04%            1.144us          0.04%            1.144us          1.144us          1                []                                             
size                     0.01%            0.357us          0.01%            0.357us          0.357us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.03%            0.779us          0.03%            0.779us          0.779us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.02%            0.399us          0.02%            0.399us          0.399us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.19%            4.969us          0.19%            4.969us          4.969us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.340us          0.01%            0.340us          0.340us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.329us          0.01%            0.329us          0.329us          1                []                                             
size                     0.02%            0.459us          0.02%            0.459us          0.459us          1                []                                             
size                     0.01%            0.356us          0.01%            0.356us          0.356us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.06%            1.577us          0.06%            1.577us          1.577us          1                []                                             
to                       0.30%            7.838us          2.99%            79.032us         79.032us         1                []                                             
empty_strided            1.16%            30.741us         1.16%            30.741us         30.741us         1                []                                             
copy_                    1.53%            40.453us         1.53%            40.453us         40.453us         1                []                                             
empty                    0.09%            2.455us          0.09%            2.455us          2.455us          1                []                                             
to                       0.16%            4.242us          1.24%            32.838us         32.838us         1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.24%            6.368us          0.24%            6.368us          6.368us          1                []                                             
copy_                    0.84%            22.228us         0.84%            22.228us         22.228us         1                []                                             
to                       0.18%            4.814us          1.08%            28.688us         28.688us         1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.18%            4.860us          0.18%            4.860us          4.860us          1                []                                             
copy_                    0.72%            19.014us         0.72%            19.014us         19.014us         1                []                                             
size                     0.02%            0.587us          0.02%            0.587us          0.587us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.16%            4.245us          0.16%            4.245us          4.245us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.11%            2.879us          0.11%            2.879us          2.879us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.02%            0.497us          0.02%            0.497us          0.497us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.273us          0.01%            0.273us          0.273us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.300us          0.01%            0.300us          0.300us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.283us          0.01%            0.283us          0.283us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.309us          0.01%            0.309us          0.309us          1                []                                             
stride                   0.01%            0.292us          0.01%            0.292us          0.292us          1                []                                             
size                     0.01%            0.351us          0.01%            0.351us          0.351us          1                []                                             
empty                    0.22%            5.794us          0.22%            5.794us          5.794us          1                []                                             
to                       0.18%            4.859us          4.97%            131.370us        131.370us        1                []                                             
empty_strided            0.35%            9.326us          0.35%            9.326us          9.326us          1                []                                             
copy_                    4.43%            117.185us        4.43%            117.185us        117.185us        1                []                                             
clamp_min                0.62%            16.405us         40.46%           1.070ms          1.070ms          1                []                                             
empty                    0.14%            3.831us          0.14%            3.831us          3.831us          1                []                                             
clamp_min_out            39.34%           1.040ms          39.70%           1.050ms          1.050ms          1                []                                             
is_complex               0.06%            1.470us          0.06%            1.470us          1.470us          1                []                                             
resize_                  0.30%            8.027us          0.30%            8.027us          8.027us          1                []                                             
div                      5.41%            143.063us        5.80%            153.296us        153.296us        1                []                                             
empty                    0.39%            10.233us         0.39%            10.233us         10.233us         1                []                                             
mean                     6.18%            163.432us        6.59%            174.188us        174.188us        1                []                                             
empty                    0.33%            8.614us          0.33%            8.614us          8.614us          1                []                                             
as_strided               0.08%            2.142us          0.08%            2.142us          2.142us          1                []                                             
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------  
Self CPU time total: 2.644ms