How to weight option for binary_cross_entropy

I was wondering how in C++ I can specify the weight parameter in the binary_cross_entropy function.

I am using something like

auto loss_classification = torch::nn::functional::binary_cross_entropy(output_class, target_class);

I tried using

auto loss_classification = torch::nn::functional::binary_cross_entropy(output_class, target_class, torch::nn::BCELossOptions().weight("0.7"));

as a third argument but it did not work.

OK I was able to get this work using

torch::Tensor weight=torch::zeros(1);
auto loss_classification = torch::nn::functional::binary_cross_entropy(output_class, target_class,torch::nn::functional::BinaryCrossEntropyFuncOptions().weight(weight));

felt like an overkill to make a tensor of 1 dimension, but this compiled and executed.