(Muhib Ahmad Khan)
October 16, 2019, 1:15pm
I don’t understand how torch.norm() behave and it calculates the L1 loss and L2 loss? When p=1, it calculates the L1 loss, but on p=2 it fails to calculate the L2 loss…
Can somebody explain it?
a, b = torch.rand((2,2)), torch.rand((2,2))
var1 = torch.sum(torch.abs((a * b)), 1)
print("L1 Distance is : ", var1)
var2 = torch.norm(((a * b)), 1, -1)
print("Torch NORM L1 Distance is : ", var2)
var3 = torch.sum(((a * b)) ** 2, 1)
print("L2 SDistance is : ", var3)
var4 = torch.norm(((a * b)), 2, -1)
print("Torch NORM L2 Distance is : ", var4)
And the computed output is as:
import torch
a, b = torch.rand((2,2)), torch.rand((2,2))
var1 = torch.sum(torch.abs((a * b)), 1)
print("L1 Distance is : ", var1)
var2 = torch.norm(((a * b)), 1, -1)
print("Torch NORM L1 Distance is : ", var2)
var3 = torch.sum(((a * b)) ** 2, 1).sqrt()
print("L2 SDistance is : ", var3)
var4 = torch.norm(((a * b)), 2, -1)
print("Torch NORM L2 Distance is : ", var4)
Your code was wrong.
L1 Distance is : tensor([0.0924, 0.2528])
Torch NORM L1 Distance is : tensor([0.0924, 0.2528])
L2 SDistance is : tensor([0.0893, 0.2327])
Torch NORM L2 Distance is : tensor([0.0893, 0.2327])
(Muhib Ahmad Khan)
October 17, 2019, 9:56am
THANKS @JuanFMontesinos . Its a big help.