I am running into a PYTORCH error under Diffuse!

I don’t know how else I can debug this error, can someone please help me.

Frames: 0%
0/10000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Length: 10000, dtype: object
Frame 0 Prompt: [‘A Dark Fantasy Disco Dance Floor. A unique serendipitous manner. Playstation 5.’, ‘A Beautiful, color scheme.’]
Seed used: 455071194

UnidentifiedImageError Traceback (most recent call last)

216 torch.cuda.empty_cache()
217 try:
→ 218 do_run()
219 except KeyboardInterrupt:
220 pass

1 frames

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/PIL/Image.py in open(fp, mode, formats)
3028 for message in accept_warnings:
3029 warnings.warn(message)
→ 3030 raise UnidentifiedImageError(
3031 “cannot identify image file %r” % (filename if filename else fp)
3032 )

UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7f212ed13d10>

display_rate = 20
n_batches = 50

if animation_mode == ‘Video Input’:
steps = video_init_steps

#Update Model Settings
timestep_respacing = f’ddim{steps}’
diffusion_steps = (1000//steps)*steps if steps < 1000 else steps
‘timestep_respacing’: timestep_respacing,
‘diffusion_steps’: diffusion_steps,

batch_size = 1

def move_files(start_num, end_num, old_folder, new_folder):
for i in range(start_num, end_num):
old_file = old_folder + f’/{batch_name}({batchNum}){i:04}.png’
new_file = new_folder + f’/{batch_name}({batchNum})
os.rename(old_file, new_file)


resume_run = True
run_to_resume = ‘latest’
resume_from_frame = ‘latest’
retain_overwritten_frames = False
if retain_overwritten_frames:
retainFolder = f’{batchFolder}/retained’

skip_step_ratio = int(frames_skip_steps.rstrip(“%”)) / 100
calc_frames_skip_steps = math.floor(steps * skip_step_ratio)

if animation_mode == ‘Video Input’:
frames = sorted(glob(in_path+‘/.’));
if len(frames)==0:
sys.exit(“ERROR: 0 frames found.\nPlease check your video input path and rerun the video settings cell.”)
flows = glob(flo_folder+‘/.’)
if (len(flows)==0) and video_init_flow_warp:
sys.exit(“ERROR: 0 flow files found.\nPlease rerun the flow generation cell.”)

if steps <= calc_frames_skip_steps:
sys.exit(“ERROR: You can’t skip more steps than your total steps”)

if resume_run:
if run_to_resume == ‘latest’:
batchNum = len(glob(f"{batchFolder}/{batch_name}()settings.txt"))-1
batchNum = int(run_to_resume)
if resume_from_frame == ‘latest’:
start_frame = len(glob(batchFolder+f"/{batch_name}({batchNum})
if animation_mode != ‘3D’ and turbo_mode == True and start_frame > turbo_preroll and start_frame % int(turbo_steps) != 0:
start_frame = start_frame - (start_frame % int(turbo_steps))
start_frame = int(resume_from_frame)+1
if animation_mode != ‘3D’ and turbo_mode == True and start_frame > turbo_preroll and start_frame % int(turbo_steps) != 0:
start_frame = start_frame - (start_frame % int(turbo_steps))
if retain_overwritten_frames is True:
existing_frames = len(glob(batchFolder+f"/{batch_name}({batchNum})_.png"))
frames_to_save = existing_frames - start_frame
print(f’Moving {frames_to_save} frames to the Retained folder’)
move_files(start_frame, existing_frames, batchFolder, retainFolder)
start_frame = 0
batchNum = len(glob(batchFolder+"/
while os.path.isfile(f"{batchFolder}/{batch_name}({batchNum})_settings.txt") or os.path.isfile(f"{batchFolder}/{batch_name}-{batchNum}_settings.txt"):
batchNum += 1

print(f’Starting Run: {batch_name}({batchNum}) at frame {start_frame}')

if set_seed == ‘random_seed’:
seed = random.randint(0, 2**32)
# print(f’Using seed: {seed}')
seed = int(set_seed)

args = {
‘batchNum’: batchNum,
‘prompts_series’:split_prompts(text_prompts) if text_prompts else None,
‘image_prompts_series’:split_prompts(image_prompts) if image_prompts else None,
‘seed’: seed,
‘n_batches’:n_batches if animation_mode == ‘None’ else 1,
‘batch_name’: batch_name,
‘steps’: steps,
‘diffusion_sampling_mode’: diffusion_sampling_mode,
‘width_height’: width_height,
‘clip_guidance_scale’: clip_guidance_scale,
‘tv_scale’: tv_scale,
‘range_scale’: range_scale,
‘sat_scale’: sat_scale,
‘cutn_batches’: cutn_batches,
‘init_image’: init_image,
‘init_scale’: init_scale,
‘skip_steps’: skip_steps,
‘side_x’: side_x,
‘side_y’: side_y,
‘timestep_respacing’: timestep_respacing,
‘diffusion_steps’: diffusion_steps,
‘animation_mode’: animation_mode,
‘video_init_path’: video_init_path,
‘extract_nth_frame’: extract_nth_frame,
‘video_init_seed_continuity’: video_init_seed_continuity,
‘key_frames’: key_frames,
‘max_frames’: max_frames if animation_mode != “None” else 1,
‘interp_spline’: interp_spline,
‘start_frame’: start_frame,
‘angle’: angle,
‘zoom’: zoom,
‘translation_x’: translation_x,
‘translation_y’: translation_y,
‘translation_z’: translation_z,
‘rotation_3d_x’: rotation_3d_x,
‘rotation_3d_y’: rotation_3d_y,
‘rotation_3d_z’: rotation_3d_z,
‘midas_depth_model’: midas_depth_model,
‘midas_weight’: midas_weight,
‘near_plane’: near_plane,
‘far_plane’: far_plane,
‘fov’: fov,
‘padding_mode’: padding_mode,
‘sampling_mode’: sampling_mode,
‘frames_scale’: frames_scale,
‘skip_step_ratio’: skip_step_ratio,
‘calc_frames_skip_steps’: calc_frames_skip_steps,
‘text_prompts’: text_prompts,
‘image_prompts’: image_prompts,
‘cut_overview’: eval(cut_overview),
‘cut_innercut’: eval(cut_innercut),
‘cut_ic_pow’: eval(cut_ic_pow),
‘cut_icgray_p’: eval(cut_icgray_p),
‘intermediate_saves’: intermediate_saves,
‘intermediates_in_subfolder’: intermediates_in_subfolder,
‘steps_per_checkpoint’: steps_per_checkpoint,
‘perlin_init’: perlin_init,
‘perlin_mode’: perlin_mode,
‘set_seed’: set_seed,
‘eta’: eta,
‘clamp_grad’: clamp_grad,
‘clamp_max’: clamp_max,
‘skip_augs’: skip_augs,
‘randomize_class’: randomize_class,
‘clip_denoised’: clip_denoised,
‘fuzzy_prompt’: fuzzy_prompt,
‘rand_mag’: rand_mag,
‘use_vertical_symmetry’: use_vertical_symmetry,
‘use_horizontal_symmetry’: use_horizontal_symmetry,
‘transformation_percent’: transformation_percent,
#video init settings
‘video_init_steps’: video_init_steps,
‘video_init_clip_guidance_scale’: video_init_clip_guidance_scale,
‘video_init_tv_scale’: video_init_tv_scale,
‘video_init_range_scale’: video_init_range_scale,
‘video_init_sat_scale’: video_init_sat_scale,
‘video_init_cutn_batches’: video_init_cutn_batches,
‘video_init_skip_steps’: video_init_skip_steps,
‘video_init_frames_scale’: video_init_frames_scale,
‘video_init_frames_skip_steps’: video_init_frames_skip_steps,
#warp settings

if animation_mode == ‘Video Input’:
# This isn’t great in terms of what will get saved to the settings… but it should work.
args[‘steps’] = args[‘video_init_steps’]
args[‘clip_guidance_scale’] = args[‘video_init_clip_guidance_scale’]
args[‘tv_scale’] = args[‘video_init_tv_scale’]
args[‘range_scale’] = args[‘video_init_range_scale’]
args[‘sat_scale’] = args[‘video_init_sat_scale’]
args[‘cutn_batches’] = args[‘video_init_cutn_batches’]
args[‘skip_steps’] = args[‘video_init_skip_steps’]
args[‘frames_scale’] = args[‘video_init_frames_scale’]
args[‘frames_skip_steps’] = args[‘video_init_frames_skip_steps’]

args = SimpleNamespace(**args)

print(‘Prepping model…’)
model, diffusion = create_model_and_diffusion(**model_config)
if diffusion_model == ‘custom’:
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(custom_path, map_location=‘cpu’))
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f’{model_path}/{get_model_filename(diffusion_model)}', map_location=‘cpu’))
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
if ‘qkv’ in name or ‘norm’ in name or ‘proj’ in name:
if model_config[‘use_fp16’]:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
print(‘Seed used:’, seed)

For clarification,

This is the error code that I was getting, after attempting to run this section of code

Length: 10000, dtype: object
Frame 0 Prompt: [‘A Dark Fantasy Disco Dance Floor. A unique serendipitous manner. Playstation 5.’, ‘A Beautiful, color scheme.’]
Seed used: 455071194

UnidentifiedImageError Traceback (most recent call last)

216 torch.cuda.empty_cache()
217 try:
→ 218 do_run()
219 except KeyboardInterrupt:
220 pass

1 frames

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/PIL/Image.py in open(fp, mode, formats)
3028 for message in accept_warnings:
3029 warnings.warn(message)
→ 3030 raise UnidentifiedImageError(
3031 “cannot identify image file %r” % (filename if filename else fp)
3032 )

UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7f212ed13d10>

PIL.Image.open fails to load the specified object so check which path was specified and if the image file might be corrupt.

Sorry, but posting screenshot of a chat window isn’t really helpful for this topic.
I would still recommend checking my previous suggestion in narrowing down why the PIL.Image.open call fails first.

Sorry, but this screenshot… is the source of the entire problem.

image_prompts = {
0:{ }

there is no IMAGE that I am trying to prompt, I am only using a video prompt…

sh!t, I’m probably better off, talking to the AI, then relying on your expertise, ptrblck. :joy:

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