I think I need to access a tensor in a tuple with one tensor

Loading the data.

Due to the resource constraints, the data and knowledge features have already been computed.

There are 1696 training data, 425 test data
Shape of X: (4, 3000) = (#channels, n)
Shape of beat feature: (4, 3000) = (#channels, n)
Shape of rhythm feature: (4, 60) = (#channels, M)
Shape of frequency feature: (4, 1) = (#channels, 1)

There are 1696 training samples
ie: len(train_dict[‘Y’] = 1696 training samples
There are 425 test samples
ie: len(test_dict[‘Y’] = 425
Shape of X,
ie: train_dict[‘X’][:, 0,:]: (4, 3000) = (#channels, n)
Shape of beat feature,
ie: train_dict[‘K_beat’][:, 0, :]: (4, 3000) = (#channels, n)
Shape of rhythm feature,
ie: train_dict[‘K_rhythm’][:, 0, :]: (4, 60) = (#channels, M)
Shape of frequency feature:
ie: train_dict[‘K_freq’][:, 0, :]: (4, 1) = (#channels, 1)

We need to define a ECGDataset class, and then define the DataLoader as well.

I have for i in range(len(batch[i])):, but this gives me an error because the 2nd i is not initialized. If I change all instances of batch[i] to batch. I get an error because a tensor is expected where theres a tuple. I tried converting batch to a tensor in every way mentioned in convert-a-tuple-into-tensor and they all resulted in errors.

from torch.utils.data import Dataset
class ECGDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data_dict):
        TODO: init the Dataset instance.
        #  code
        self.dataset = data_dict
        # END

    def __len__(self):
        TODO: Denotes the total number of samples
        # CODE 
        return len(self.dataset['Y'])
        #return len(self.y)
        # END

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        TODO: Generates one sample of data as?
            return the ((X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y) for the i-th data.
            Do not return ((X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y)
            Be careful which dimension you are indexing.
        # CODE
        return ((torch.tensor(self.dataset['X'][:, i, :], dtype = float),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['K_beat'][:, i, :], dtype = float),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['K_rhythm'][:, i, :], dtype = float),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['K_freq'][:, i, :], dtype = float)),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['Y'][i], dtype=torch.long))

        # END

Return a DataLoader instance basing on a Dataset instance, with batch_size specified.
Note that since the data has already been shuffled, we set shuffle=False`

from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
def load_data(dataset, batch_size=128):

    def my_collate(batch):
        param: batch: this is essentially [dataset[i] for i in [...]]
        batch[i] should be ((Xi, Ki_beat, Ki_rhythm, Ki_freq), Yi)
        TODO: write a collate function such that it outputs ((X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y)
            each output variable is a batched version of what's in the input *batch*, essentially 
            [dataset[i] for i in [...]]
            each output variable should be either float tensor, except Y is long tensor. 

from torch.utils.data import Dataset
class ECGDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, data_dict):
        TODO: init the Dataset instance.
        #  code
        self.dataset = data_dict
        # END

    def __len__(self):
        TODO: Denotes the total number of samples
        # CODE 
        return len(self.dataset['Y'])
        #return len(self.y)
        # END

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        TODO: Generates one sample of data as?
            return the ((X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y) for the i-th data.
            Do not return ((X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y)
            Be careful which dimension you are indexing.
        # CODE
        return ((torch.tensor(self.dataset['X'][:, i, :], dtype = float),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['K_beat'][:, i, :], dtype = float),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['K_rhythm'][:, i, :], dtype = float),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['K_freq'][:, i, :], dtype = float)),
        torch.tensor(self.dataset['Y'][i], dtype=torch.long))

            # If applicable, channel dim precedes batch dim
            # e.g. the shape of each Xi is (# channels, n). In the output, X should be of shape (# channels, batch_size, n)
        # CODE
        # collect X1, X2, ... , X(LEN(BATCH), each w size = (# channels, n) = (4, 3000) into X.shape:(4, LEN(BATCH), 3000)
        # create empty float tensors:
            # X.shape:(4, 0, 3000), 
            # K_beat.shape(4, 0, 3000), 
            # K_rhythm(4, 0, 60),
            # K_freq.shape(4, 0, 1) 
        # create empty long tensor Y(bs,)
        # append batch to tensors until len(batch)
        X = torch.empty((4, 0, 3000), dtype=torch.float)
        K_beat = torch.empty((4, 0, 3000), dtype=torch.float)
        K_rhythm = torch.empty((4, 0, 60), dtype=torch.float)
        K_freq = torch.empty((4, 0, 1), dtype=torch.float)
        Y = torch.empty((4, len(batch), 3000), dtype=torch.long)
        #batch_after = []
        for i in range(len(batch[i])):
                (X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y  = torch.cat((((X, 
                                                                ), Y
                                                               ), batch[i]
                                                              ), dim = 1
        # END
       #(list_X, list_K_beat, list_K_rhythm, list_K_freq), list_Y = zip(batch)
       # #Create all individual tensors 
      # X = torch.tensor(list_X)
      # K_beat = torch.tensor(list_K_beat)
      # K_rhythm = torch.tensor(list_K_rhythm)
      # K_freq = torch.tensor(list_K_freq)
      # Y = torch.tensor(list_Y)
     # => ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
        return (X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y

    return torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, collate_fn=my_collate)

train_loader = load_data(ECGDataset(train_dict))
test_loader = load_data(ECGDataset(test_dict))

I tried this and got this error:

     78 for i in range(len(batch)):
---> 79         (X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y  = torch.cat((torch.tensor(((X, 
     80                                                          K_beat, 
     81                                                          K_rhythm, 
     82                                                          K_freq
     83                                                         ), Y
     84                                                        )), batch
     85                                                       ), dim = 1
     86                                                      )            
     87 # END
     89 return (X, K_beat, K_rhythm, K_freq), Y

ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars.

I dont know what that means. Where am I converting a tensor to a scalar when I want to convert something into a tensor?

I think there may be something incorrect about the shape/type of Y which could trigger that error. However, I am confused about the way this function is being implemented given the description, which would imply that something using torch.stack would be more straightforward rather than inserting an empty dimension initially e.g.,

import torch

batch_size = 8
channels = 3000
n = 4
unnamed = 60
dummy_data = [(torch.randn(channels, n), torch.randn(channels, n), torch.randn(unnamed, n), torch.randn(n, 1), torch.randn(1)[0]) for i in range(batch_size)]
collated_Xs = torch.stack([row[0] for row in dummy_data], dim=1)
collated_Kbeats = torch.stack([row[1] for row in dummy_data], dim=1)
collated_Krhythm = torch.stack([row[2] for row in dummy_data], dim=1)
collated_Kfreq = torch.stack([row[3] for row in dummy_data], dim=1)
collated_Ys = torch.tensor([row[4] for row in dummy_data])

print((collated_Xs.shape, collated_Kbeats.shape, collated_Krhythm.shape, collated_Kfreq.shape, collated_Ys.shape))
(torch.Size([3000, 8, 4]), torch.Size([3000, 8, 4]), torch.Size([60, 8, 4]), torch.Size([4, 8, 1]), torch.Size([8]))
---> 71         collated_Xs = torch.stack([row[0] for row in batch], dim=1)
     72         collated_Kbeats = torch.stack([row[1] for row in batch], dim=1)
     73         collated_Krhythm = torch.stack([row[2] for row in batch], dim=1)

TypeError: expected Tensor as element 0 in argument 0, but got tuple

if I do print(np.assarray(list(zip(batch)).shape) I get (128, 1, 2)
the 2 is a tuple (X, Kb, Kr, Kf), Y. So, how do I do this. zip is the least code, but the way it works is impossible to understand. With my miniscule coding skill a loop isn’t much better and a list comprehension, inconrehensible.