If the criterion is not set to cuda but the network is set to cuda, does the operation work in cuda?

If the criterion is not set to cuda but the network is set to cuda, does the operation work in cuda?

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It depends (if there is no buffer in your loss)
Usually, it works fine.
Here is an example:

import torch as t

# Crossentropy with weight
criterion = t.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=t.Tensor([1, 3]))
input = t.autograd.Variable(t.randn(4, 2)).cuda()
target = t.autograd.Variable(t.Tensor([1, 0, 0, 1])).long().cuda()

# Error, since weight is still in cpu
# loss = criterion(input, target)

# it's ok
loss = criterion(input, target)


See celll around In[45] for more detail (it’s tutorials written in Chinese )


Anyway, I should write .cuda. Thank you! It helped me a lot. That your pytorch page looks very good. I hope the article is in English. If that writing were English, it would be very good …

Thank you. I’ll try it if I have free time. But it would be really busy seeking for interns and jobs this year.

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