Illegal memory access for using cuda tensor in separate kernel

I’m trying to share tensors from pytorch with a cuda kernel that I have compiled separately, and I’m seeing illegal memory access errors when passing the data pointer for the torch tensor into the kernel.

As far as I can tell, from the perspective of the kernel, the pointer I get from tensor.data_ptr() isn’t actually a real CUDA pointer.

Minimal repro w/ a bunch of debugging prints.

When run, this prints the “Writing to i=” line for each thread, but does not print the line afterwards "A[i] = " for any thread, which leads me to believe that is the line where all of the threads are crashing (first access to the data pointer).


CUDA_PATH ?= /usr/local/cuda

.PHONY: run clean

	CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 python zero.o
	nvcc -shared $^ -o $@ -lcuda

	nvcc -I $(CUDA_PATH)/include -I$(CUDA_PATH)/samples/common/inc --compiler-options '-fPIC' $^ -c $@

	rm -f *.o *.so

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

    __global__ void _zero(float *A, int n)
        printf("Hello from block %d, thread %d\n", blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x);
        int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
        if (i < n)
            printf("Writing to i=%d.\n", i);
            printf("A[i] = %f.\n", A[i]);
            A[i] = 0;
            printf("Skipping index %d\n", i);

extern "C" void zero(float *A, int n, int threads)
    const char *res_str;
    CUdeviceptr pbase;
    size_t psize;
    CUresult res = cuMemGetAddressRange(&pbase, &psize, (CUdeviceptr)A);
    cuGetErrorName(res, &res_str);
    if (res != CUDA_SUCCESS)
        printf("Error getting A mem address range: (%d) %s\n", res, res_str);
        printf("A mem address range: 0x%p - 0x%p, size: %zu\n", (void *)pbase, (void *)pbase + psize, psize);

    printf("Running the kernel\n");
    const int blocks = (n + threads - 1) / threads;
    _zero<<<blocks, threads>>>(A, n);
    printf("Finished running the kernel\n");

    cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
    if (err != cudaSuccess)
        printf("Failed to launch zero kernel (error code %s)!\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
        printf("Successfully launched zero kernel!\n");

#!/usr/bin/env python

import torch
from ctypes import CDLL

zero = CDLL("./")

N = 10
A = torch.ones(N, dtype=float).cuda()
threads = 32

Ap = A.data_ptr()
print('Ap', hex(Ap), 'A', A, 'A.shape', A.shape), N, threads)

print('A', A)

Edit: this is CUDA C++ code interfacing with PyTorch Python code, so I’m not totally sure if this belongs in the C++ category or not. I’m happy to re-file elsewhere if this isn’t the proper place.

I believe dtype=float would initialize the tensor with torch.float64, so you might want to use dtype=torch.float32.
Also, I’m unsure about the usage of the .data_ptr() method in Python, so I would pass a torch::Tensor to the C++ method and forward A.data_ptr<float>() to the CUDA kernel.

.data_ptr() is fine, just passing it to ctypes as an int is not a good idea. Wrap in ctypes.c_void_p, and fix the dtype to float.

I might add that it’s always a good idea to print the stuff you’re passing across the Python-C interface, discovering the mismatch between the Python pointer and the (only arriving as 32 bit) pointer on the C side might have saved you that bit of confusion.

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Thank you so much to both of you for the quick answers!

With both of the fixes it’s running properly now.

Also thanks for the tip to check the pointer going across the ctypes boundary, that made it really obvious:

Ap 0x7fd311400000 Ac tensor([1., 1., 1.], device='cuda:0') Ac.shape torch.Size([3])
Got A pointer 0x11400000 n 3 threads 4
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