ImageNet Directory: /datasets01/imagenet_full_size/061417/

I am trying to run the code in this repository I am using windows 10. When I try to run, nothing happens. I opened the file and there is this line DIR="/datasets01/imagenet_full_size/061417/train". I know that they are using ImageNet but what I don’t understand is that whether the dataset is downloaded by the code and this directory is created or whether I need to download it myself? I checked other codes and they also used the same path. I appreciate any help and guidance regarding this and also running the code in general.


same question,have you solved this now? :smiling_face_with_tear:

I found out that you can use it without the [/datasets01/imagenet_full_size/061417/] dataset
just create your own directory : /dataset/imagenet_full_size/061417/
then add 2 folders (train and test) from any dataset on kaggle

└── 061417
    ├── test
    │   ├── cats
    │   │   ├── cat_106.jpg
    │   │   ├── cat_109.jpg
    │   │   ├── .........
    │   └── dogs
    │       ├── dog_114.jpg
    │       ├── dog_123.jpg
    │       ├── ..........

    └── train
        ├── cats
        │   ├── cat_100.jpg
        │   ├── ........
        └── dogs
            ├── dog_0.jpg
            ├── .........

check this out IMAGEFOLDER - Pytorch configuration