I’m trying to implement the following algorithm ([1710.03463] Learning to Generalize: Meta-Learning for Domain Generalization)
The best approach I was able to come up with was the following pseudocode:
# 1. Copy the train model
# Caluclate loss on the meta test model (A)
loss_meta_test = self.get_loss(model_meta_test)
# Optimize the meta test model
self.optimize_network(loss_meta_test, model_meta_test, optimizer_meta_test)
# Now I'm at ϴ' which means I can calculate the loss of my META TEST
loss_meta_test = self.get_loss(model_meta_test)
# Now I need to recalculate the loss on the Train Model (B).
# Note that the loss at (A) and (B) should be the same.
loss_train = self.get_loss(model_train)
# Now I calculate the sum of both losses.
tot_loss_train = loss_train + self.BETA * loss_meta_test.detach()
# Finally Optimize the Train Model
self.optimize_network(tot_loss_train, model_train, optimizer_train)
I have a few doubts.
- Is the implementation is correct.
- What would be a more efficient way of doing it? This is an overkill of calculations as I have to backup models and calculate the same loss twice for different models. With my limited knowledge, this was the best I could come up with. If anyone can enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it.